31+ Flower In Korean and their Secret Meanings(+examples)

By fluenttongue

Ever wondered how to say different flowers in Korean? 

After all, Flowers are cherished worldwide for their vibrant colors and beautiful  blossoms, and Koreans are no exception.

From the iconic mugunghwa, their national flower, to picturesque blooms in Provence, Korean flowers also hold special cultural meanings.

And With Spring around the corner, now’s the perfect time to learn how to talk about flowers in Korean. 

This article will teach you how to say flower in Korean and useful korean vocabulary and phrases.

Alright world, Let’s dive in and let your knowledge of Korean blooms bloom!

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    How to say flower in korean 

    flower in korean

     Flower in Korean is “꽃” (kkot). As you might have noticed, the Korean word for “flower” ends with ㅊ (pronounced with the “t” sound). Some flower names have the syllable 화, which stems from the Chinese character 花 meaning “flower.” 

    You should say 꽃 when you want to talk about generally any flower. 

    For example, “꽃 사러 가자.” (Let’s go buy some flowers.)

    • 연꽃 = Lotus
    • 벚꽃 = Cherry blossom
    • 동백꽃 = Camellia
    • 제비꽃 = Violet
    • 데이지 꽃 = Daisy

     화 is used when you refer to certain species of flowers, such as “매화” (apricot blossom), “수선화” (daffodil), etc..


    • 무궁화 = Hibiscus (South Korea’s national flower!)
    •  수선화 = Daffodil
    • 국화 = Chrysanthemum

    This has an impact on how you use it in sentences with objects or nouns that indicate particles.

    When combining the word “flower” (꽃 – kko) with an object, you would say 꽃을 (kkocheul), and when combined with a subject, you would say 꽃이 (kkochi). 

    These different forms help clarify the role of the flower in the sentence and make Korean grammar more precise and expressive.

    This simple yet profound term encompasses the essence of flowers’ elegance and symbolism in Korean culture.

    Example sentences

    I picked some flowers.

    나는 꽃을 좀 꺾었다.

    Is it a flower?


    Are those real flowers?

    저 꽃들은 진짜 꽃이니?

    What are these flowers?

    이 꽃은 뭐예요?” 

    These flowers have no scent.

    이들 꽃은 향기가 없다.

    jasmine flowers are blooming

    재스민 꽃이 피어요

    The butterfly fluttered from flower to flower.

    나비는 이 꽃 저 꽃으로 훨훨 날아다녔다.

    Don’t trample on the flowers!

    그 꽃들 짓밟지 마!

    I’ve ordered some flowers from the florist’s.

    내가 꽃집에 꽃을 좀 배달시켰다.

    She arranged the flowers in a vase.

    그녀가 꽃을 꽃병에 보기 좋게 꽂았다.

    I have botanophobia, so I don’t even like flowers.

    저는 식물 공포증이 있어서 심지어 꽃도 싫어한다니까요.

    Jessamy flowers are tiny and white.

    재스민 꽃은 작고 하얗다.

    Popular korean flower names  and their meanings 

    Do you have a favorite flower? 

    While there are hundreds, if not thousands, of varieties that exist, we’ll start by learning names of Popular Korean flower names and their meanings.

    See if your favorite made it onto this list!

    Here’s how to say the names of popular flower in Korean for beginners and their hangul character and Romanization.  

    • Rose (장미 – Jangmi)
    • Sunflower (해바라기 – Haebalagi)
    • Violet (제비꽃 – Jebikkot)
    • Cherry Blossom (벚꽃 – Beotkkot)
    • Lily (백합 – Baekhab)
    • Camellia (동백꽃 – Dongbaekkot)
    • Peony (모란 – Moran)
    • Tulip (튤립 – Tyullip)
    • Chrysanthemum (국화 – Gukhwa)
    • Azalea (진달래 – Jindallae)
    • Orchid (란 – Ran)
    • Daisy (데이지 – Deiji)
    • Hibiscus (무궁화 – Mugunghwa) – The South Korean national flower
    • Morning Glory (오색나팔꽃 – Osaeknabalggot)
    • Carnation (카네이션 – Kaneisyeon)
    • 무궁화 = Hibiscus (South Korea’s national flower!)
    •  수선화 = Daffodil
    • 국화 = Chrysanthemum
    • 연꽃 = Lotus
    • 벚꽃 = Cherry blossom
    • 동백꽃 = Camellia
    • 제비꽃 = Violet
    • 데이지 꽃 = Daisy
    • 튤립 = Tulip
    • 베고니아 = Begonia
    • 마리골드 = Marigold
    • 포인세티아 = Poinsettia
    • 스노드롭 = Snowdrop
    • 라벤더 = Lavender
    • 카네이션 = Carnation
    • 피튜니아 = Petunia
    • 팬지 = Pansy
    • 장미 = Rose
    • 민들레 = Dandelion
    • 수련 = Water lily
    • 해바리기 = Sunflower
    • 난 = Orchid
    • 백합 = Lily
    • 양귀비 = Poppy
    • 수국 = Hydrangea
    • 작약 / 모란 = Peony
    • 진달래 = Azalea
    • 미나리아재비 = Buttercup

    And, while you’re reading, notice how many similarities there are between the Korean and English names of flowers. 

    Luckily, this will make your new flower vocabulary even easier to learn.

    Rose in Korean 

    Rose in Korean 

    “Rose” in Korean is “장미” (Jangmi).

    Meaning in Korean Culture:

    In Korean culture, roses symbolize love, passion, and beauty. They are often associated with romantic gestures and are a popular flower choice for expressing affection and admiration.


    Every rose has its thorns.

    가시 없는 장미는 없다

    How much is a bouquet of roses?

    장미 한 다발에 얼마입니까?

    Roses have been placed on the chairs.

    장미가 의자들 위에 놓여 있다.

    The room was filled with the fragrance[smell] of roses.

    방에는 장미 향기가 가득했다

    When should we prune our rose bushes?

    언제 장미꽃을 가지치기 해줘야 되죠?

    The red rose symbolizes love in this poem.

    이 시에서 붉은 장미는 사랑을 상징한다

    The rose is the prettiest flower in my garden.

    그 장미는 내 정원에서 가장 예쁜 꽃이다.

    Sunflower in Korean

    flower in korean

    “Sunflower” in Korean is “해바라기” (Haebalagi).

    Meaning in Korean Culture:

    In Korean culture, sunflowers symbolize loyalty, adoration, and positivity. The flower’s ability to face the sun throughout the day is seen as a representation of loyalty and dedication.

    Example Sentences in Korean:

    Sunflower seed oil?


    The man is painting sunflowers.

    남자가 해바라기를 그리고 있다.

    The girl is wearing a sunflower in her hair.

    여자아이가 머리에 해바라기를 달고 있다.

    Sunflowers grow tall very quickly

    해바라기는 매우 빨리 자란다.

    Do you like sunflowers?

    해바라기를 좋아하나요?

    There is a sunflower field near the train station.

    기차 정류장 근처에 해바라기밭이 있다.

    How much is the T-shirt with a sunflower print?

    해바라기가 프린트 된 티셔츠는 얼마인가요?

    Violet in Korean

    flower in korean

    Violet in Korean is “제비꽃” (Jebikkot).

    Meaning in Korean Culture:

    In Korean culture, violets symbolize modesty, purity, and innocence. These beautiful flowers are often associated with humility and gracefulness.

    Example Sentences in Korean:

    Cherry Blossom in Korean

    flower in korean

    Cherry Blossom in Korean is “벚꽃” (Beotkkot).

    Meaning in Korean Culture:

    In Korean culture, cherry blossoms symbolize beauty, purity, and the transient nature of life. These delicate flowers represent the fleeting yet cherished moments that should be appreciated.

    Example Sentences in Korean:

    Lily in Korean

    flower in korean

    Lily in Korean is “백합” (Baekhab).

    Meaning in Korean Culture:

    In Korean culture, lilies symbolize purity, prosperity, and renewal. These elegant flowers are often associated with positive energy and new beginnings.

    Example Sentences in Korean:

    I like a lily better than a rose.

    나는 장미보다 백합을 더 좋아해.

    Some kids prepare roses and lilies for their teachers.

    어떤 어린이들은 선생님들을 위해서 장미와 백합을 준비해요.

    Give me about six lilies.

    백합 여섯송이 주세요.

    But I cannot find the road to Lily Park anywhere.

    하지만 나는 어디에서도 백합 공원으로 가는 길을 찾을 수가 없다.

    Jisoo looks like a lily.

    지수는 한 송이 백합 같아.

    Camellia in Korean

    flower in korean

    Camellia in Korean is “동백꽃” (Dongbaekkot).

    Meaning in Korean Culture:

    In Korean culture, camellias symbolize admiration, perfection, and longevity. These beautiful flowers are often exchanged as symbols of love and respect.

    Example Sentences in Korean:

    She wore a camellia in her hair.

    그녀는 머리에 동백꽃을 꽂고 있었다.

    When the Camellia Blooms?

    동백꽃 필 무렵’?

    Did you watch When the Camellia Blooms?

    “동백꽃 필 무렵 봤어?”

    It’s not Japanese camellia. Rafflesia?

    동백꽃 아니야, 라플레시아?

    Do you like camellia flowers?

    동백꽃 좋아하세요?

    How to talk about flowers in Korean?

    When someone asks you this question꽃을  좋아하세요? (Do you like flowers?),” You can simply answer the question with either “네 (Yes)” or “아니요 (No).


    Do you like flowers?

    꽃을  좋아하세요? 

    (Yes)네/아니요 (No)

    And then, when you are asked this question “무슨  꽃을  좋아하세요? (What is your favorite flower?),” your answer can be “저는 a name of flower 좋아해요. (I like the name of a flower.).”


    What is your favorite flower?

    “무슨  꽃을  좋아하세요?

    I like the name of a flower.

    “저는 a name of flower 좋아해요. 

    Do you know the name of this flower?

    이 꽃 이름 아니?

    Conversation about flowers between two people in Korean.

    Person A: 안녕! 너 오늘 꽃집 갔어?

    Person A: Hey! Did you go to the flower shop today?

    Person B: 네, 갔어! 정말 이쁜 튤립을 사왔어. 너도 보러 갈래?

    Person B: Yes, I went! I bought some beautiful tulips. Do you want to go see them too?

    Person A: 튤립이라구? 좋아! 나도 같이 가자.

    Person A: Tulips, huh? Sounds great! I’d love to go with you.

    [They go to the flower shop together]

    Person A: 와, 정말 아름다운 튤립들이네. 노란색이랑 보라색 중에 뭐가 더 좋을까?

    Person A: Wow, these tulips are really beautiful. Which color do you like more, yellow or purple?

    Person B: 나는 보라색이 좋은데, 노란색도 멋지다고 생각해. 둘 다 가져가면 어때?

    Person B: I prefer purple, but I also think yellow looks great. How about getting both?

    Person A: 좋은 생각이야! 그럼 하나씩 두 개씩 사자.

    Person A: That’s a good idea! Let’s get two of each.

    Person B: 오케이, 그럼 노란색 두 개와 보라색 두 개 주세요.

    Person B: Okay, then two yellow and two purple, please.

    Florist: 네, 감사합니다! 여기 꽃을 꼭 예쁘게 꾸미세요!

    Florist: Sure, thank you! Please arrange the flowers beautifully!

    [They pay for the flowers and leave the shop]

    Person A: 이 꽃들 어디에 놓아야 할까?

    Person A: Where should we place these flowers?

    Person B: 우리 집 거실에 놓으면 분위기가 화사해질 것 같아.

    Person B: I think they will brighten up our living room.

    Person A: 좋아, 그러면 거실에 놓아두자.

    Person A: Sounds good! Let’s put them in the living room.

    [They arrange the tulips in a vase in the living room]

    Person A: 와, 정말 예쁘다! 이제 우리 집이 화사해 보이는데!

    Person A: Wow, they look so pretty! Our home looks brighter now!

    Person B: 네, 맞아. 꽃들은 정말 분위기를 바꾸는데 큰 힘이 있어.

    Person B: Yes, you’re right. Flowers have the power to change the atmosphere.

    Person A: 앞으로 자주 꽃집에 가서 꽃을 사야겠어.

    Person A: From now on, let’s go to the flower shop more often to buy flowers.

    Person B: 그래, 좋은 생각이야. 꽃은 우리 일상에 행복과 아름다움을 선사해주니까!

    Person B: Yes, that’s a great idea. Flowers bring happiness and beauty into our daily lives!

    Conversation -2

    Shopkeeper: Hello! How can I assist you?

    Shopkeeper: 안녕하세요! 무엇을 도와드릴까요?

    Man: Hello! I’m looking to buy some flowers today. What beautiful flowers do you have?

    Man: 안녕하세요! 오늘 꽃을 사려고 해요. 예쁜 꽃이 어떤 게 있나요?

    Shopkeeper: Of course! Today, we have lovely roses, daisies, and lilacs. Which flowers do you like?

    Shopkeeper: 물론! 오늘은 아름다운 장미, 데이지, 그리고 라일락이 도착했어요. 무슨 꽃이 마음에 드세요?

    Man: Roses sound good. Please include five red roses and five white roses.

    Man: 장미가 좋네요. 빨간 장미 몇 송이와 하얀 장미도 넣어주세요.

    Shopkeeper: Alright! Five red roses and five white roses, it is.

    Shopkeeper: 좋아요! 빨간 장미 다섯 송이와 하얀 장미 다섯 송이요.

    Man: And also add one lilac to the bouquet, please.

    Man: 그리고 라일락도 한 송이 추가해 주세요.

    Shopkeeper: Understood. I’ll include one lilac as well.

    Shopkeeper: 알겠습니다. 라일락 한 송이도 준비할게요.

    [Shopkeeper arranges the flowers and hands them to the man]

    Shopkeeper: Here you go, a beautiful bouquet is ready. Do you like it?

    Shopkeeper: 여기요, 아름다운 꽃다발 준비했어요. 마음에 드시나요?

    Man: Yes, it looks fantastic. Thank you! My girlfriend will love these flowers.

    Man: 네, 정말 멋지네요. 감사합니다! 이 꽃들은 제 여자친구께서 정말 좋아하실 거예요.

    Shopkeeper: I hope your girlfriend will be delighted. Have a wonderful time!

    Shopkeeper: 당신의 여자친구께서 기뻐하시길 바라요. 행복한 시간 보내시길요!

    Man: Thank you! How much is it?

    Man: 고맙습니다! 얼마에요?

    Shopkeeper: The total is $25.

    Shopkeeper: 총 25달러에요.

    Man: Great. Here you go.

    Man: 좋아요. 여기요.

    [The man hands over the money]

    Shopkeeper: Thank you for your purchase! Have a lovely day!

    Shopkeeper: 구매해 주셔서 감사합니다! 즐거운 하루 보내세요!

    Man: You’re welcome! Goodbye!

    Man: 천만에요! 안녕히 계세요!

    Shopkeeper: Goodbye! Please visit us again next time.

    Shopkeeper: 안녕히 가세요! 다음에 또 방문해주세요.

    List of Other flowers in korean 

    FlowerKorean Name
    Peony모란 (Moran)
    Tulip튤립 (Tyullip)
    Orchid란 (Ran)
    Daisy데이지 (Deiji)
    Hibiscus무궁화 (Mugunghwa)
    Peacock Flower봉선화 (Bongseonhwa)
    Camellia동백꽃 (Dongbaekkot)
    Anemone아네모네 (Anemone)
    Morning Glory오색나팔꽃 (Osaeknabalggot)
    Zinnia진달래국화 (Jindallae Gukhwa)
    Morning Star Lily강아지채 (Gangajichae)
    Begonia베고니아 (Begonia)
    Lavender라벤더 (Rabendeo)
    Buttercup호접란 (Hojeomran)
    Sweet William빈티지 필 (Bintiji Pil)
    Dahlia달리아 (Dallia)
    Aster아스터 (Aseuteo)
    Petunia피튜니아 (Pityunia)
    Ranunculus라넌큘러스 (Raneonkeulleoseu)
    Forget-Me-Not매력풀 (Maelyeokpul)
    Sweet Pea스위트피 (Seuwiteupi)
    Baby’s Tears센텔라 (Sentella)
    Pansy팬지 (Paenji)
    Cosmos코스모스 (Koseumoseu)
    Azalea진달래 (Jindallae)
    Gerbera Daisy거베라 데이지 (Geobera Deiji)
    Fuchsia퓨시아 (Pyusia)
    Poppy양귀비 (Yanggwibi)
    Baby’s Breath젤리피쉬 (Jellipiswi)
    Sunflower해바라기 (Haebalagi)

    Flowers You Have Heard In K-dramas And Their Meanings 

    These flowers bring added depth to K-drama plots and character relationships, as they carry profound symbolism and emotional significance.

    These flowers represent a wide range of colors, shapes, and meanings, making them popular choices for various occasions and floral arrangements in Korean culture.

    These flowers play significant roles in K-dramas, either as symbolic elements in scenes or as gifts exchanged between characters, enhancing the storytelling and conveying emotions in beautiful and meaningful ways.

    In fact, It’s fascinating how flowers can hold symbolic meanings for Koreans.

     In “Crash Landing On You,” Captain Ri’s gift of edelweiss to Se-ri represents courage.

     In “Goblin,” the buckwheat flower given by Kim Shin to Eun-tak signifies love, and in “Hotel del Luna,” the evening primrose presented to Goo Chan-Sung symbolizes youth, everlasting love, and memory.

    Here’s a table with flowers you might have heard in K-dramas, their names in Korean, their meanings, and a Korean drama reference:

    Flower NameFlowers in KoreanMeaningKorean Drama Reference
    Cherry Blossom벚꽃 (Beotkkot)Beauty, purity, transient nature of life“You’re Beautiful” – The cherry blossoms scene
    Lily백합 (Baekhab)Purity, prosperity, renewal“My ID is Gangnam Beauty” – Lily bouquet gift
    Sunflower해바라기 (Haebalagi)Loyalty, adoration, positivity“Descendants of the Sun” – Sunflower field scene
    Rose장미 (Jangmi)Love, affection, beauty“Boys Over Flowers” – Rose exchange in a scene
    Orchid란 (Ran)Refinement, luxury, beauty“Legend of the Blue Sea” – Orchid in a mansion
    Azalea진달래 (Jindallae)Femininity, elegance, softness“Secret Garden” – Azalea garden encounter
    Hibiscus무궁화 (Mugunghwa)Endurance, unity, Korean national flower“The King: Eternal Monarch” – Hibiscus reference
    Peony모란 (Moran)Wealth, honor, romance“Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo” – Peony symbolism
    Tulip튤립 (Tyullip)Perfect love, elegance, passion“My Love from the Star” – Tulip bouquet gift
    Camellia동백꽃 (Dongbaekkot)Admiration, perfection, longevity“Strong Woman Do Bong-soon” – Camellia reference
    Iris붓꽃 (Butkkot)Wisdom, courage, admiration“Moon Embracing the Sun” – Iris as a token of love
    Daffodil수선화 (Suseonhwa)New beginnings, rebirth“The Heirs” – Daffodil field scene
    Hydrangea수국 (Suguk)Emotion, heartfelt emotions“Playful Kiss” – Hydrangea bouquet gift
    Forget-Me-Not매력풀 (Maelyeokpul)True love, memories“It’s Okay, That’s Love” – Forget-Me-Not scene
    Aster아스터 (Aseuteo)Elegance, patience“Boys Over Flowers” – Aster flower shop scene
    Gardenia목련 (Moknyeon)Refinement, secret love“My Love from the Star” – Gardenia on the balcony
    Gladiolus찔레꽃 (Jjillekkot)Strength, integrity“Crash Landing on You” – Gladiolus garden scene
    Pansy팬지 (Paenji)Thoughtfulness, loving thoughts“Fight for My Way” – Pansy hairpin gift
    Ranunculus라넌큘러스 (Raneonkeulleoseu)Charming, radiant beauty“What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim” – Ranunculus scene
    Baby’s Breath젤리피쉬 (Jellipiswi)Innocence, purity“My ID is Gangnam Beauty” – Baby’s Breath bouquet

    Here are some vocabulary words related to flower in Korean along with their English translations:

    These words will come in handy when you’re discussing flowers, gardening, or admiring the beauty and conditions of nature in Korean.

    1. Flower – 꽃 (Kkot)
    2. Bouquet – 꽃다발 (Kkotdabal)
    3. Garden – 정원 (Jeongwon)
    4. Petal – 꽃잎 (Kkotip)
    5. Stem – 줄기 (Julgi)
    6. Blossom – 피다 (Pida)
    7. Bloom – 개화하다 (Gaehwahada)
    8. Fragrance – 향기 (Hyanggi)
    9. Pollen – 꽃가루 (Kkotgaru)
    10. Flower – 꽃 (kkot)
    11. Petal – 꽃잎 (kkotip)
    12. Stem – 줄기 (julgi)
    13. Bud – 꽃봉오리 (kkotbongori)
    14. Pollen – 꽃가루 (kkotgaru)
    15. Fragrance – 향기 (hyanggi)
    16. Bloom – 피다 (pida)
    17. Garden – 정원 (jeongwon)
    18. Bouquet – 꽃다발 (kkotdabal)
    19. Arrangement – 꽃바구니 (kkotbaguni)
    20. Florist – 플로리스트 (peulloriseuteu)
    21. Watering Can – 물뿌리개 (mulppurigae)
    22. Fertilizer – 비료 (bilyo)
    23. Pruning Shears – 가지치기 가위 (gajichigi gawi)
    24. Vase – 꽃병 (kkotbyeong)
    25. Garden Hose – 정원 호스 (jeongwon hoseu)
    26. Gardening Gloves – 정원 장갑 (jeongwon janggap)
    27. Sunlight – 햇빛 (haetbit)
    28. Shade – 그늘 (geuneul)
    29. Water – 물 (mul)
    30. Pollinate – 수분화하다 (Subunhwahada)
    31. Florist – 플로리스트 (Peulloriseuteu)
    32. Flowerbed – 꽃밭 (Kkotbat)
    33. Flowerpot – 화분 (Hwabun)
    34. Vase – 꽃병 (Kkotbyeong)
    35. Fragrant – 향긋한 (Hyanggeuthan)
    36. Blooming – 피어나는 (Pieonaneun)
    37. Colorful – 다채로운 (Dachaeroun)
    38. Delicate – 섬세한 (Seomsehan)
    39. Fresh – 신선한 (Sinseonhan)
    40. Beautiful – 아름다운 (Areumdaun)
    41. Botanical – 식물학적인 (Sikmulhagjeogin)
    42. Gardening – 정원 가꾸기 (Jeongwon gakkugi)
    43. Pollination – 수분화 (Subunhwa)
    44. Nectar – 꿀 (Kkul)
    45. Stamen – 수술 (Susul)
    46. Pistil – 자궁 (Jagung)
    47. Thorns – 가시 (Gasi)
    48. Foliage – 잎사귀 (Ipsagwi)
    49. Pruning – 가지치기 (Gajichigi)
    50. Watering – 물 주기 (Mul jugi)
    51. Fertilizer – 비료 (Bilyo)
    52. Gardener – 정원사 (Jeongwonsa)
    53. Greenhouse – 온실 (Onsil)
    54. Soil – 흙 (Heulg)
    55. Seed – 씨앗 (Ssiat)
    56. Gardening Tools – 정원 도구 (Jeongwon dogu)
    57. Garden Hose – 정원 호스 (Jeongwon hoseu)
    58. Planting – 심기 (Simgi)
    59. Pruning Shears – 가지치기 가위 (Gajichigi gawi)
    60. Garden Gnome – 정원 새우 (Jeongwon saeu)
    61. Mulch – 마루 (Maru)
    62. Compost – 퇴비 (Toebi)
    63. Annuals – 일년생 식물 (Illyeonsaeng sikmul)
    64. Perennials – 다년생 식물 (Danyeonsaeng sikmul)

    How to order flower in korean shop

    Ordering flowers in a Korean shop is a delightful experience, and here’s how you can do it:

    Greeting: Start by greeting the florist with a friendly “안녕하세요” (Annyeonghaseyo), which means “Hello.”

    Specify the Occasion: Let the florist know the reason for the flower purchase, whether it’s for a birthday, anniversary, or any other special event.

    Type of Flowers: Describe the type of flowers you’re interested in, whether it’s a bouquet or a specific arrangement.

    Color Preference: If you have a color preference, mention it to the florist. Colors hold symbolic meanings, so choose wisely based on the occasion.

    Budget: It’s helpful to mention your budget so the florist can suggest suitable options within your price range.

    Personalization: If you’d like to add a personalized message or a card to accompany the flowers, let the florist know the content you want to include.

    Delivery or Pick-up: Specify whether you want the flowers to be delivered to a specific location or if you’ll pick them up yourself.

    Payment: Once the order is confirmed, you can make the payment at the shop, either in cash or through various payment methods available.

    Expressing Gratitude: After completing the order, you can thank the florist with “감사합니다” (Gamsahamnida), which means “Thank you.”

     Example Korean conversation 

    In this conversation, the buyer visits the flower shop to order a bouquet for their friend’s birthday. 

    They discuss the type of flowers, budget, and card message with the florist. The florist then confirms the order for delivery and provides the total amount. 

    The buyer expresses gratitude, and the florist sends them off with warm wishes.

    Korean conversation

    Florist (플로리스트): 안녕하세요! 꽃 가게에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 무엇을 도와드릴까요?

    Hello! Welcome to the flower shop. How can I assist you?

    Buyer (구매자): 안녕하세요! 오늘 친구의 생일이라서 꽃을 주려고 해요. 아름다운 꽃다발을 만들어주세요.

    Hello! It’s my friend’s birthday today, and I want to give her flowers. Please make a beautiful bouquet.

    Florist (플로리스트): 좋아요. 어떤 꽃을 원하세요? 꽃다발에 어떤 꽃이 들어가면 좋을까요?

    Sure. What type of flowers do you want? Which flowers would you like to include in the bouquet?

    Buyer (구매자): 분홍색 장미와 하얀색 백합이 들어간 꽃다발이 좋을 것 같아요.

    I think a bouquet with pink roses and white lilies would be lovely.

    Florist (플로리스트): 좋은 선택이에요. 얼마 정도의 예산이 있으세요?

    That’s a great choice. What’s your budget?

    Buyer (구매자): 예산은 5만 원 내외로 생각하고 있어요.

    I’m thinking of a budget of around 50,000 won.

    Florist (플로리스트): 알겠습니다. 꽃다발을 만들어서 카드도 함께 넣어드릴게요. 메시지를 쓰고 싶으세요?

    Alright. I’ll create the bouquet and include a card as well. Do you want to write a message?

    Buyer (구매자): 네, “생일 축하해요! 항상 행복하길 바라요.” 이라고 쓰면 될 것 같아요.

    Yes, “Happy Birthday! Wishing you always be happy.” That would be great.

    Florist (플로리스트): 좋아요. 배달이 필요한가요, 아니면 직접 가져가시나요?

    Okay. Do you need delivery, or will you take it with you?

    Buyer (구매자): 배달이 필요해요. 주소는 이렇습니다…

    I’ll need delivery. Here is the address…

    Florist (플로리스트): 알겠습니다. 주문이 확인되었습니다. 총 금액은 5만 원이에요. 감사합니다!

    Got it. Your order is confirmed. The total amount is 50,000 won. Thank you!

    Buyer (구매자): 감사합니다! 잘 부탁드려요!

    Thank you! I appreciate your help!

    Florist (플로리스트): 아니에요! 기쁜 마음으로 만들어드리겠습니다. 행복한 하루 보내세요!

    You’re welcome! I’ll create it with joy. Have a happy day!

    Describe the parts of a flower in Korean

    So, you know, in real-life conversations, there are times when you just want to focus on specific parts of a flower, right? Instead of talking about flowers in general, it’s cool to dive deeper into their details.

    So, let me tell you, knowing words like “bud” and “stem” is pretty awesome! 

    They help you describe the different growth stages of a flower and understand how it’s put together.

    Next time you’re out and about, talking about a blossoming bud or pointing out the sturdy stem, you’ll sound like a true flower expert. And hey, it’s not just about impressing people; it’s about connecting with the beauty of nature and getting even more passionate about flowers!

    So, keep exploring the language, keep learning these flower terms, and let the floral conversations bloom!

    Here’s how to describe the parts of a flower in Korean with their translation.

    • Petal – 꽃잎 (Kkotip)
    • Bud-“꽃봉오리” (kkotbongori),
    • stem-줄기” (julgi).
    • Sepal – 꽃받침 (Kkotbatchim)
    • Stamen – 수술 (Susul)
    • Anther – 화자 (Hwaja)
    • Filament – 수술줄기 (Susuljulgi)
    • Pistil – 자궁 (Jagung)
    • Stigma – 암술머리 (Amsulmeori)
    • Style – 암술줄기 (Amsuljulgi)
    • Ovary – 배자 (Baeja)
    • Receptacle – 꽃대 (Kkotdae)
    • Pedicel – 꽃잎엽 (Kkotipyeop)
    • Calyx – 꽃받침잎 (Kkotbatchimip)
    • Corolla – 꽃차례 (Kkotcharye)
    • Inflorescence – 꽃차례의 형태 (Kkotcharyeui hyeongtae)

    Occasions for Giving Flowers in Korea

    In South Korea, giving flowers is a meaningful gesture that is commonly practiced on various occasions to convey emotions and show appreciation.

    Here are some occasions for giving flowers in Korea:


    Birthdays are a perfect time to gift someone a bouquet of their favorite flowers to celebrate their special day.

    For birthdays, it’s thoughtful to gift bright and cheerful flowers like roses, tulips, or daisies to celebrate the joyous occasion.


    Whether it’s a romantic anniversary or a work-related milestone, flowers are a thoughtful way to express love and recognition.

    Romantic flowers like red roses or elegant orchids are popular choices to express love and appreciation.


    Flowers play a significant role in Korean weddings, where they symbolize happiness, purity, and a new beginning for the couple. In Korean weddings, couples often receive bouquets of peonies, lilies, or hibiscus, symbolizing happiness, purity, and unity.


    Congratulating graduates with flowers is a way to acknowledge their accomplishments and wish them success in their future endeavors.

    Graduates are often congratulated with vibrant and uplifting flowers such as sunflowers or gerbera daisies.

    Valentine’s Day: 

    Like in many countries, Valentine’s Day in Korea is a popular occasion to exchange flowers as a token of love and affection.

    On Valentine’s Day, red roses are the classic choice, symbolizing love and passion.

    White Day: 

    On March 14th, also known as White Day, men in Korea reciprocate the gifts they received on Valentine’s Day by giving flowers and other presents to women.

    On White Day, men commonly give flowers like white roses or lilies in return for the gifts they received on Valentine’s Day.

    Mother’s Day and Father’s Day: 

    Korean children often express their love and gratitude to their parents by giving them flowers on these special days.

    Carnations and chrysanthemums are popular choices to honor and appreciate parents on these special days.


    When someone moves into a new home, friends and family may bring flowers as a symbol of good wishes and prosperity.

    For housewarming occasions, lucky bamboo or a potted plant like a peace lily are given to wish good fortune and a happy home.


    Flowers can be a sincere way to apologize and make amends after a misunderstanding or disagreement.

    When apologizing, it’s thoughtful to give sincere flowers like white tulips or daisies to convey sincerity and regret.


    In times of mourning, flowers are offered as condolences to express sympathy and comfort to the bereaved family.

    White chrysanthemums or lilies are common choices to offer condolences and pay respects at funerals.

    Remember, the choice of flowers and their colors can hold additional cultural significance.

    so it’s essential to be mindful of these customs while giving flowers in Korea. 

    Overall, giving flowers in Korea is a lovely and heartfelt tradition that strengthens relationships and conveys emotions on various occasions.

    What is the South Korean National Flower

    The national flower of South Korea is the Hibiscus syriacus, and it’s commonly known as the Rose of Sharon or Mugunghwa in Korean.

     Isn’t that a beautiful name?

    The Mugunghwa is more than just a flower; it holds a lot of cultural and historical significance for the people of South Korea.

    You know, this flower represents the enduring spirit and unity of the Korean people.

     It’s like a symbol of their strength and resilience, which is pretty cool, right? 

    You can find it in various traditional arts, literature, and even modern-day culture in Korea. It’s like a part of their identity!

    The Mugunghwa’s vibrant colors and blooming patterns are just so eye-catching and inspiring. 

    No wonder it’s deeply cherished by the Korean folks. It’s like a little piece of their national pride!

    So, next time you see a beautiful hibiscus flower, you might just think of the Mugunghwa and all the awesome things it represents for South Korea. 

    How awesome is that?

    How to memorize Korean words for flowers fast?

    To memorize Korean words for flowers quickly, you can use a combination of techniques and strategies. Here’s a step-by-step approach:

    Start with Common Flowers:

    Begin by learning the names of common flowers in Korean. Start with flowers like “rose,” “tulip,” “daisy,” and “sunflower” as they are frequently used and will give you a solid foundation.

    Group Similar sounding Words:

    Group similar-sounding flower names in English and Korean together. This can help you notice patterns and similarities that make memorization easier.

    because they are similar in both English and Korean, making them a good starting point for your vocabulary study

    Here are some Korean flower names that are the same as in English, along with their translations:

    • Rose – 로즈 (rojeu)
    • Tulip – 튤립 (tyullip)
    • Daisy – 데이지 (deiji)
    • Sunflower – 해바라기 (haebaragi)
    • Lily – 백합 (baekhap)
    • Carnation – 카네이션 (kaneeisyeon)
    • Orchid – 난초 (nancho)
    • Chrysanthemum – 국화 (gukhwa)
    • Hydrangea – 수국 (suguk)
    • Camellia – 동백꽃 (dongbaekkkot)
    • Pansy – 팬지 (paenji)
    • Iris – 아이리스 (airiseu)

    Use Mnemonics, images, and songs

    Create mnemonic devices or word associations to remember tricky flower names.

    For example, you can associate the Korean word for “rose” (“장미” or “jangmi”) with the phrase “jang-mi” sounding like “jangly music,” which could remind you of a romantic scene with roses.

    Attach mental images to each flower name.

    Visualizing the flower while saying its Korean name can help you remember it more effectively.

    For example

    Practice with Native Speakers:

    If possible, practice with native Korean speakers. They can correct your pronunciation and provide valuable feedback.

    Use Language Learning Apps:

    Consider using language learning apps and websites that offer interactive lessons and quizzes to reinforce your knowledge.

    Remember that memorization techniques vary from person to person, so feel free to adapt these suggestions to your own learning style. The key is to make learning Korean flower names an enjoyable and regular part of your language study routine.

    Use flashcards and Test

    Maybe mnemonics is not your thing. What about flashcards?

    I know it’s an old thing(you might be using Anki too)

    But when it comes to mastering Korean vocabulary, you will never regret using these words. 

    Create flashcards with the Korean word for a flower on one side and its English translation on the other. Use these flashcards for quick and frequent review.

    or you can these online resources to practice

    Here are some of the resources I found on the web




    Periodically revisit previously learned flower names to ensure they stay in your memory. Spaced repetition techniques can be helpful for this purpose.

    Other Online Resources

    We live in the era of the 20th century. 

    And I bet you  love to surf (well, who doesn’t?)

    The internet is full of free stuff and language resources that you haven’t explored yet. Here is what I found when I was learning day of the week in Korean

    Here is a list (I hope it might help you)


    So, we’ve explored the fascinating world of Korean flowers and how to say them in Korean. 

    Isn’t it amazing how a simple word like “flower” (꽃 – kko) can open up a whole new dimension of cultural richness and meaning?

    Imagine strolling through a beautiful Korean garden and confidently pointing out each flower in Korean – “Look, there’s a rose – 장미 (jangmi),” “Oh, and there’s a sunflower – 해바라기 (haebalagi)!”

     It really adds a touch of elegance to your conversations, right?

    And let’s not forget the lovely Korean vocabulary we’ve picked up along the way – 꽃잎 (kko-tip), 수술 (su-sul), and so much more! It’s like unlocking a secret language of nature.

    Knowing the names of Korean flowers not only enhances your language skills but also deepens your connection with the rich cultural symbolism they carry. 

    Each flower has a unique message to convey, and now, you can understand the emotions they express.

    So, the next time you’re in Korea or chatting with Korean friends, don’t miss the chance to sprinkle some “flower in Korean” magic into your conversations. It’s like a bouquet of cultural appreciation and linguistic beauty!

    Consistency is key. Set aside a specific time each day to review and practice Korean flower names. Even dedicating just a few minutes daily can yield significant results.

    Go ahead, and embrace the enchanting world of Korean flowers and the delightful vocabulary that comes with it. 

    Happy learning, flower enthusiasts! 🌸

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