Korean verbs can be tough – Lots to remember and so little time. but it’ll help you chat with your family, and your friends all while sounding just like a real-deal Korean.
In fact, it’s rather boring if you follow the ‘traditional’ methods of learning verbs with conjugation
But Korean verbs, or 동사 (dongsa), are the backbone of any sentence. So better idea to start with commonly used Korean verbs instead of all of them.
Unlike English, Korean verb needs conjugation depending on the formality of the situation and the age of the person you’re talking to.
So here’s the deal: we’ve got a complete guide on 60 popular Korean verbs. You’ll get the hang of using them in past, present, and future tenses with a real-life example
So, grab a pen and paper, and let’s dive in.
Table of Contents
Korean Verb Conjugation: The Holy Trinity
There are three main forms of conjugation in Korean: casual, polite, and formal. Each form has its own set of rules, but fear not, because we’re here to guide you through the process.
Casual Verb Conjugation
First, drop the 다 (da) from the verb. If the last vowel remaining is ㅏ or ㅗ, add 아 (a). If it’s anything else, add 어 (eo). The exception is 하 (ha), which becomes 해 (hae).
Polite Verb Conjugation
Take the casual form, and simply add 요 (yo) to the end.
Formal Verb Conjugation
Drop 다 (da) and add ㅂ니다 (-mnida) if the Hangul block ends in a vowel. If it ends in a consonant, add 습니다 (-seumnida).
Now, let’s take a look at some essential Korean verbs and examples.
53 Basic Korean verbs and their uses for beginners
1. To Go – 가다 (Gada)

- Present Tense: 가요 (Gayo)
- Past Tense: 갔어요 (Gasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 갈 거예요 (Gal Geoyeyo)
나는 학교에 가요. (Naneun hakgyoe gayo)
I go to school.
어제 친구와 영화관에 갔어요. (Eoje chinguwa yeonghwagwane gasseoyo)
Yesterday, I went to the movie theater with my friend.
내일 백화점에 갈 거예요. (Naeil baekhwajeome gal geoyeyo)
I will go to the department store tomorrow.
휴가 때 해변에 갔어요. (Hyuga ttae haebyeone gasseoyo)
I went to the beach during vacation.
2.To Come – 오다 (Oda)

- Present Tense: 와요 (Wayo)
- Past Tense: 왔어요 (Wasseyo)
- Future Tense: 올 거예요 (Ol Geoyeyo)
언제 우리 집에 와요? (Eonje uri jibe wayo?)
When will you come to my house?
지난주 그녀가 파티에 왔어요. (Jinanju geunyeoga patie wasseyo)
She came to the party last week.
내일 오후에 올 거예요. (Naeil ohue ol geoyeyo)
I will come tomorrow afternoon.
친구가 도서관에 왔어요. (Chinguga doseogwane wasseyo)
My friend came to the library.
3. To Sleep – 자다 (Jada)

- Present Tense: 자요 (Jayo)
- Past Tense: 잤어요 (Jasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 잘 거예요 (Jal Geoyeyo)
저는 매일 밤 11시에 자요. (Jeoneun maeil bam 11sie jayo)
I sleep at 11 pm every night.
어제 너무 늦게 잤어요. (Eoje neomu neujge jasseoyo)
I slept too late yesterday.
오늘 밤은 일찍 잘 거예요. (Oneul bameun iljjik jal geoyeyo)
I will sleep early tonight.
그는 오후에 낮잠을 잤어요. (Geuneun ohue najjameul jasseoyo)
He took a nap in the afternoon.
4. To See/Look/Watch – 보다 (Boda)

- Present Tense: 봐요 (Bwayo)
- Past Tense: 봤어요 (Bwasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 볼 거예요 (Bol Geoyeyo)
저는 오늘 저녁에 영화를 봐요. (Jeoneun oneul jeonyeoge yeonghwaleul bwayo)
I watch a movie tonight.
어제 그 사람을 봤어요. (Eoje geu sarameul bwasseoyo)
I saw that person yesterday.
내일 공원에서 새를 볼 거예요. (Naeil gongwoneseo saereul bol geoyeyo)
I will see birds at the park tomorrow.
아이들이 만화를 봤어요. (Aideuli manwareul bwasseoyo)
The kids watched cartoons.
5. To Wait – 기다리다 (Gidarida)

- Present Tense: 기다려요 (Gidaryeoyo)
- Past Tense: 기다렸어요 (Gidaryeosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 기다릴 거예요 (Gidaril Geoyeyo)
저는 버스를 기다려요. (Jeoneun beoseureul gidaryeoyo)
I wait for the bus.
어제 친구를 기다렸어요. (Eoje chingureul gidaryeosseoyo)
I waited for my friend yesterday.
내일 역에서 너를 기다릴 거예요. (Naeil yeogeseo neoreul gidaril geoyeyo)
I will wait for you at the station tomorrow.
그들은 음식을 기다렸어요. (Geudeureun eumsigeul gidaryeosseoyo)
They waited for the food.
6. To Study – 공부하다 (Gongbuhada)

- Present Tense: 공부해요 (Gongbuhaeyo)
- Past Tense: 공부했어요 (Gongbuhaesseoyo)
- Future Tense: 공부할 거예요 (Gongbuhal Geoyeyo)
저는 한국어를 공부해요. (Jeoneun hangugeoreul gongbuhaeyo)
I study Korean.
지난주에 수학을 공부했어요. (Jinanjue suhageul gongbuhaesseoyo)
I studied math last week.
내일 영어를 공부할 거예요. (Naeil yeongeoreul gongbuhal geoyeyo)
I will study English tomorrow.
그는 역사를 공부했어요. (Geuneun yeogsareul gongbuhaesseoyo)
He studied history.
7. To Run – 달리다 (Dalrida)

- Present Tense: 달려요 (Dallyeoyo)
- Past Tense: 달렸어요 (Dallyeosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 달릴 거예요 (Dallil Geoyeyo)
저는 공원에서 달려요. (Jeoneun gongwoneseo dallyeoyo)
I run at the park.
어제 많이 달렸어요. (Eoje manhi dallyeosseoyo)
I ran a lot yesterday.
내일 아침에 달릴 거예요. (Naeil achime dallil geoyeyo)
I will run tomorrow morning.
개가 빠르게 달렸어요. (Gaega ppareuge dallyeosseoyo)
The dog ran fast.
8. To Do – 하다 (Hada)

- Present Tense: 해요 (Haeyo)
- Past Tense: 했어요 (Haesseoyo)
- Future Tense: 할 거예요 (Hal Geoyeyo)
저는 요리를 해요. (Jeoneun yorireul haeyo)
I cook.
그들은 청소를 했어요. (Geudeureun cheongsoleul haesseoyo)
They cleaned.
내일 쇼핑을 할 거예요. (Naeil syopingeul hal geoyeyo)
I will go shopping tomorrow.
어제 친구와 숙제를 했어요. (Eoje chinguwa sukjereul haesseoyo)
I did homework with my friend yesterday.
9. To Sit – 앉다 (Anjda)

- Present Tense: 앉아요 (Anjayo)
- Past Tense: 앉았어요 (Anjasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 앉을 거예요 (Anjeul Geoyeyo)
나는 의자에 앉아요. (Naneun uijae anjayo)
I sit on the chair.
어제 공원에서 앉았어요. (Eoje gongwoneseo anjasseoyo)
I sat at the park yesterday.
내일 카페에서 앉을 거예요. (Naeil kapeeseo anjeul geoyeyo)
I will sit at the café tomorrow.
그는 책상에 앉았어요. (Geuneun chaeksange anjasseoyo)
He sat at the desk.
10. To Play – 놀다 (Nolda)

- Present Tense: 놀아요 (Nolayo)
- Past Tense: 놀았어요 (Nolasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 놀 거예요 (Nol Geoyeyo)
아이들은 놀이터에서 놀아요. (Aideureun noriteoeseo nolayo)
The kids play at the playground.
어제 친구와 놀았어요. (Eoje chinguwa nolasseoyo)
I played with my friend yesterday
내일 놀 거예요. (Naeil nol geoyeyo)
I will play tomorrow.
강아지가 공원에서 놀았어요. (Gangajiga gongwoneseo nolasseoyo)
The puppy played at the park.
11. To Live – 살다 (Salda)
- Present Tense: 살아요 (Salayo)
- Past Tense: 살았어요 (Salasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 살 거예요 (Sal Geoyeyo)
나는 서울에서 살아요. (Naneun Seouleseo salayo)
I live in Seoul.
그녀는 옛날에 미국에서 살았어요. (Geunyeoneun yetnale migugeseo salasseoyo)
She used to live in the United States.
내년에 일본에서 살 거예요. (Naenyeone ilboneseo sal geoyeyo)
I will live in Japan next year.
친구가 작은 도시에서 살았어요. (Chinguga jageun dosieseo salasseoyo)
My friend lived in a small city.
12. To Find – 찾다 (Chatda)
- Present Tense: 찾아요 (Chajayo)
- Past Tense: 찾았어요 (Chajasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 찾을 거예요 (Chajeul Geoyeyo)
나는 내 열쇠를 찾아요. (Naneun nae yeolshweleul chajayo)
I find my keys.
어제 그를 찾았어요. (Eoje geureul chajasseoyo)
I found him yesterday.
내일 분실된 지갑을 찾을 거예요. (Naeil bunshilldoen jigabeul chajeul geoyeyo)
I will find the lost wallet tomorrow.
그녀는 길을 찾았어요. (Geunyeoneun gireul chajasseoyo)
She found the way.
13. To Write – 쓰다 (Sseuda)

- Present Tense: 써요 (Sseoyo)
- Past Tense: 썼어요 (Sseosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 쓸 거예요 (Sseul Geoyeyo)
나는 편지를 써요. (Naneun pyeonjireul sseoyo)
I write a letter.
어제 시를 썼어요. (Eoje sireul sseosseoyo)
I wrote a poem yesterday.
내일 친구에게 편지를 쓸 거예요. (Naeil chinguege pyeonjireul sseul geoyeyo)
I will write a letter to my friend tomorrow.
그는 과제를 썼어요. (Geuneun gwajereul sseosseoyo)
He wrote an assignment.
14. To Call – 전화하다 (Jeonhwahada)
- Present Tense: 전화해요 (jeonhwahaeyo)
- Past Tense: 전화했어요 (jeonhwahasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 전화할 거예요 (jeonhwahal geoyeyo)
친구한테 전화해요. (chingu-hante jeonhwahaeyo)
I call my friend.
어제 엄마에게 전화했어요. (eoje eomma-ege jeonhwahasseoyo)
I called my mom yesterday.
나중에 가게에 전화할 거예요. (najunge gage-e jeonhwahal geoyeyo)
I will call the store later.
지금은 너무 늦어서 내일 전화해야겠어요. (jigeum-eun neomu neujeoseo naeil jeonhwahaeyagesseoyo)
It’s too late now, so I’ll have to call tomorrow.
15.To Drink – 마시다 (masida)

- Present Tense: 마셔요 (masyeoyo)
- Past Tense: 마셨어요 (masyeosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 마실 거예요 (masil geoyeyo)
커피를 마셔요. (keopi-reul masyeoyo)
I drink coffee.
어제 와인을 마셨어요. (eoje wain-eul masyeosseoyo)
I drank wine yesterday.
저녁에 맥주를 마실 거예요.
I will drink wine tomorrow.
16.To Think – 생각하다 (saeng-gaghada)

- Present tense: 생각해요 (saeng-gakhaeyo)
- Past tense: 생각했어요 (saeng-gakhaesseoyo)
- Future tense: 생각할 거예요 (saeng-gakhal geoyeyo)
I think this is a good idea.
나는 이것이 좋은 생각이라고 생각해요
(Naneun igeosi joheun saeng-gakirago saeng-gakhaeyo)
She thought the movie was interesting.
그녀는 영화가 재미있다고 생각했어요
(Geunyeoneun yeonghwaga jaemiitdago saeng-gakhaesseoyo)
We will think about your proposal.
우리는 당신의 제안에 대해 생각할 거예요
(Ulineun dangsinui jeane daehae saeng-gakhal geoyeyo)
Did they think we were late?
그들은 우리가 늦었다고 생각했나요?
(Geudeureun uriga neujeossdago saeng-gakhaessnayo?)
17. To Cook – 요리하다 (yolihada)

- Present tense: 요리해요 (yolihaeyo)
- Past tense: 요리했어요 (yolihaesseoyo)
- Future tense: 요리할 거예요 (yolihal geoyeyo)
I cook dinner every day.
나는 매일 저녁을 요리해요 (Naneun maeil jeonyeogeul yorihaeyo)
She cooked a delicious meal for us.
그녀는 우리를 위해 맛있는 음식을 요리했어요
(Geunyeoneun ulireul wihae masinneun eumsigeul yorihaesseoyo)
We will cook a special dish for the party.
우리는 파티에 특별한 요리를 요리할 거예요
(Ulineun patie teukbyeolhan yorireul yolihal geoyeyo)
Did you cook this by yourself?
혼자 이거 요리했어요? (Honja igeo yorihaesseoyo?)
18. To Buy – 사다 (sada)

- Present tense: 사요 (sayo)
- Past tense: 샀어요 (sasseoyo)
- Future tense: 살 거예요 (sal geoyeyo)
I buy groceries at the market.
나는 시장에서 식료품을 사요 (Naneun sijangeseo sikryopumeul sayo)
She bought a new dress for the wedding.
그녀는 결혼식에 입을 새 드레스를 샀어요 (Geunyeoneun gyeolhonsige ibeul sae deureseureul sasseoyo)
We will buy a house next year.
우리는 내년에 집을 살 거예요 (Ulineun naenyeone jibeul sal geoyeyo)
Did he buy a car yesterday?
그는 어제 차를 샀어요? (Geuneun eoje chareul sasseoyo?)
19. To Learn – 배우다 (baeuda)

- Present tense: 배워요 (baewoyo)
- Past tense: 배웠어요 (baewosseoyo)
- Future tense: 배울 거예요 (baeul geoyeyo)
I learn Korean at school.
나는 학교에서 한국어를 배워요 (Naneun hakgyoeseo hangugeoreul baewoyo)
She learned Spanish during her trip.
그녀는 여행 중에 스페인어를 배웠어요 (Geunyeoneun yeohaeng junge seupein-eoreul baewosseoyo)
We will learn how to play the guitar.
우리는 기타 연주하는 법을 배울 거예요 (Ulineun gita yeonjuhaneun beobeul baeul geoyeyo)
Did they learn about history in class?
그들은 수업에서 역사를 배웠나요? (Geudeureun sueobeseo yeogsareul baewossnayo?)
20. To Give – 주다 (juda)

- Present tense: 줘요 (jwoyo)
- Past tense: 줬어요 (jwosseoyo)
- Future tense: 줄 거예요 (jul geoyeyo)
I give my friend a birthday present.
나는 친구에게 생일 선물을 줘요 (Naneun chinguege saeng-il seonmureul jwoyo)
She gave me a book as a gift.
그녀는 선물로 책을 줬어요 (Geunyeoneun seonmullo chaegeul jwosseoyo)
We will give our parents a surprise anniversary party.
우리는 부모님에게 깜짝 기념일 파티를 줄 거예요 (Ulineun bumonim-ege kkamjjak ginyeomil patireul jul geoyeyo)
Did you give him the letter?
그에게 편지를 줬어요? (Geuege pyeonjireul jwosseoyo?)
21. To Ask: 묻다 (mudda)
- Present Tense: 물어 (mureo) / 물어요 (mureoyo) / 물어봅니다 (mureobomnida)
- Past Tense: 물었어 (mureosseo) / 물었어요 (mureosseoyo) / 물었습니다 (mureossseumnida)
- Future Tense: 물을 거야 (mureul geoya) / 물을 거예요 (mureul geoyeyo) / 물을 겁니다 (mureul geopnida)
물어, 얼마야? (mureo, eolmaya?)
Ask, how much is it?
물어요, 어디에 있어요? (mureoyo, eodie isseoyo?)
Ask, where is it?
물어봅니다, 그 사람에게 물어봅니다. (mureobomnida, geu salamege mureobomnida)
I will ask that person.

22. To Eat: 먹다 (meokda)

- Present Tense: 먹어 (meokeo) / 먹어요 (meokeoyo) / 먹습니다 (meokseumnida)
- Past Tense: 먹었어 (meogeosseo) / 먹었어요 (meogeosseoyo) / 먹었습니다 (meogeossseumnida)
- Future Tense: 먹을 거야 (meogeul geoya) / 먹을 거예요 (meogeul geoyeyo) / 먹을 겁니다 (meogeul geopnida)
먹어, 이 케이크를 먹어! (meokeo, i keikeureul meokeo!)
Eat, eat this cake!
먹어요, 점심을 먹어요. (meokeoyo, jeomsimeul meokeoyo)
I eat lunch.
먹습니다, 저녁을 먹습니다. (meokseumnida, jeonyeogeul meokseumnida)
I eat dinner.
23. To Read: 읽다 (ilkda)

- Present Tense: 읽어 (ilkeo) / 읽어요 (ilkeoyo) / 읽습니다 (ilkseumnida)
- Past Tense: 읽었어 (ilkeosseo) / 읽었어요 (ilkeosseoyo) / 읽었습니다 (ilkeossseumnida)
- Future Tense: 읽을 거야 (ilkeul geoya) / 읽을 거예요 (ilkeul geoyeyo) / 읽을 겁니다 (ilkeul geopnida)
읽어, 이 책을 읽어! (ilkeo, i chaegeul ilkeo!)
Read, read this book!
읽어요, 신문을 읽어요. (ilkeoyo, sinmuneul ilkeoyo)
I read the newspaper.
읽습니다, 소설을 읽습니다. (ilkseumnida, soseoleul ilkseumnida)
I read novels.
24. To Meet: 만나다 (mannada)

- Present Tense: 만나 (manna) / 만나요 (mannayo) / 만납니다 (mannamnida)
- Past Tense: 만났어 (mannasseo) / 만났어요 (mannasseoyo) / 만났습니다 (mannassseumnida)
- Future Tense: 만날 거야 (mannal geoya) / 만날 거예요 (mannal geoyeyo) / 만날 겁니다 (mannal geopnida)
만나, 친구를 만나! (manna, chingureul manna!)
Meet, meet your friend!
만나요, 내일 그를 만나요.
(mannayo, naeil geuleul mannayo)
I will meet him tomorrow.
만납니다, 영화 스타를 만납니다.
(mannamnida, yeonghwa seutaleul mannamnida)
I meet movie stars.
25. To Dance: 춤을 추다 (chum-eul chuda)

- Present Tense: 춤춰 (chumchweo) / 춤춰요 (chumchweoyo) / 춤춥니다 (chumchummnida)
- Past Tense: 춤췄어 (chumchwasseo) / 춤췄어요 (chumchwasseoyo) / 춤췄습니다 (chumchwassseumnida)
- Future Tense: 춤출 거야 (chumchul geoya) / 춤출 거예요 (chumchul geoyeyo) / 춤출 겁니다 (chumchul geopnida)
춤춰, 파티에서 춤춰!
(chumchweo, patieseo chumchweo!)
Dance, dance at the party!
춤춰요, 댄스 레슨에서 춤춰요.
(chumchweoyo, daenseu leseoneseo chumchweoyo)
I dance in dance lessons.
춤춥니다, 결혼식에서 춤춥니다.
(chumchummnida, gyeolhonsigeseo chumchummnida)
I dance at weddings.
26. To Have/Exist: 있다 (itda)
- Present Tense: 있어요 (isseoyo)
- Past Tense: 있었어요 (isseosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 있을 거예요 (isseul geoyeyo)
I have a book
저는 책이 있어요 (jeoneun chaegi isseoyo)
She had a cat
그녀는 고양이가 있었어요 (geunyeoneun goyangiga isseosseoyo)
They will have a party
그들은 파티가 있을 거예요 (geudeureun patiga isseul geoyeyo)
27. To Not Have/Not Exist: 없다 (eobda)
- Present Tense: 없어요 (eobseoyo)
- Past Tense: 없었어요 (eobseosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 없을 거예요 (eobseul geoyeyo)
I don’t have money
저는 돈이 없어요 (jeoneun doni eobseoyo)
He didn’t have time
그는 시간이 없었어요 (geuneun sigani eobseosseoyo)
We won’t have a chance
우리는 기회가 없을 거예요 (urineun gihoega eobseul geoyeyo)
28. To Teach: 가르치다 (galeuchida)

- Present Tense: 가르쳐요 (galeuchyeoyo)
- Past Tense: 가르쳤어요 (galeuchyeosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 가르칠 거예요 (galeuchil geoyeyo)
She teaches English
그녀는 영어를 가르쳐요 (geunyeoneun yeongeoreul galeuchyeoyo)
He taught me Korean
그는 저에게 한국어를 가르쳤어요 (geuneun jeoege hangugeoreul galeuchyeosseoyo)
They will teach math
그들은 수학을 가르칠 거예요 (geudeureun suhageul galeuchil geoyeyo)
29. To Listen: 듣다 (deudda)

- Present Tense: 들어요 (deureoyo)
- Past Tense: 들었어요 (deureosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 들을 거예요 (deureul geoyeyo)
I listen to music
저는 음악을 들어요 (jeoneun eumageul deureoyo)
She listened to the radio
그녀는 라디오를 들었어요 (geunyeoneun radio-reul deureosseoyo)
We will listen to the lecture
우리는 강의를 들을 거예요 (urineun gang-ireul deureul geoyeyo)
30. To Make: 만들다 (mandeulda)

- Present Tense: 만들어요 (mandeureoyo)
- Past Tense: 만들었어요 (mandeureosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 만들 거예요 (mandeul geoyeyo)
I make coffee
저는 커피를 만들어요
(jeoneun keopireul mandeureoyo)
She made a cake
그녀는 케이크를 만들었어요
(geunyeoneun keikeureul mandeureosseoyo)
We will make plans
우리는 계획을 만들 거예요
(urineun gyehoeg-eul mandeul geoyeyo)
31. To Hate: 싫어하다 (silh-eohada)

- Present Tense: 싫어해요 (silh-eohaeyo)
- Past Tense: 싫어했어요 (silh-eohaesseoyo)
- Future Tense: 싫어할 거예요 (silh-eohal geoyeyo)
I hate broccoli
저는 브로콜리를 싫어해요
(jeoneun beulokollireul silh-eohaeyo)
He hated the movie
그는 영화를 싫어했어요
(geuneun yeonghwaleul silh-eohaesseoyo)
They will hate the weather
그들은 날씨를 싫어할 거예요
(geudeureun nalssireul silh-eohal geoyeyo)
32. To Laugh/Smile: 웃다 (utda)

- Present Tense: 웃어요 (useoyo)
- Past Tense: 웃었어요 (useosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 웃을 거예요 (useul geoyeyo)
She laughs at jokes:
그녀는 농담에 웃어요 (geunyeoneun nongdam-e useoyo)
We laughed together:
우리는 함께 웃었어요 (urineun hamkke useosseoyo)
They will laugh at the party:
그들은 파티에서 웃을 거예요 (geudeureun pati-eseo useul geoyeyo)
33. To Walk: 걷다 (geodda)

- Present Tense: 걸어요 (georeoyo)
- Past Tense: 걸었어요 (georeosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 걸을 거예요 (georeul geoyeyo)
I walk to school
저는 학교에 걸어요 (jeoneun hakgyo-e georeoyo)
She walked to the store
그녀는 가게에 걸었어요
(geunyeoneun gage-e georeosseoyo)
We will walk in the park
우리는 공원에서 걸을 거예요
(urineun gongwon-eseo georeul geoyeyo)

34. To Drive: 운전하다 (unjeonhada)
- Present Tense: 운전해요 (unjeonhaeyo)
- Past Tense: 운전했어요 (unjeonhaesseoyo)
- Future Tense: 운전할 거예요 (unjeonhal geoyeyo)
He drives a car
그는 차를 운전해요
(geuneun cha-reul unjeonhaeyo)
She drove to the beach
그녀는 해변까지 운전했어요
(geunyeoneun haebyeonkkaji unjeonhaesseoyo)
They will drive to the concert
그들은 콘서트까지 운전할 거예요
(geudeureun konseoteukkaji unjeonhal geoyeyo)
35. To Buy: 사다 (sada)

- Present Tense: 사요 (sayo)
- Past Tense: 샀어요 (sasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 살 거예요 (sal geoyeyo)
He buys groceries
그는 식료품을 사요 (geuneun siglyopum-eul sayo)
She bought a dress
그녀는 드레스를 샀어요
(geunyeoneun deuleseu-reul sasseoyo)
They will buy a car
그들은 차를 살 거예요
(geudeureun cha-reul sal geoyeyo)
36. To Sell: 팔다 (palda)

- Present Tense: 팔아요 (palayo)
- Past Tense: 팔았어요 (palasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 팔 거예요 (pal geoyeyo)
I sell clothes
저는 옷을 팔아요 (jeoneun os-eul palayo)
He sold a bike
그는 자전거를 팔았어요
(geuneun jajeongeo-reul palasseoyo)
We will sell furniture
우리는 가구를 팔 거예요
(urineun gagu-reul pal geoyeyo)
37. To Work: 일하다 (ilhada)

- Present Tense: 일해요 (ilhaeyo)
- Past Tense: 일했어요 (ilhaesseoyo)
- Future Tense: 일할 거예요 (ilhal geoyeyo)
She works at a company
그녀는 회사에서 일해요
(geunyeoneun hoesa-eseo ilhaeyo)
He worked late
그는 늦게 일했어요
(geuneun neutge ilhaesseoyo)
They will work together
그들은 함께 일할 거예요
(geudeureun hamkke ilhal geoyeyo)
38. To Rest: 쉬다 (swida)

- Present Tense: 쉬어요 (swieoyo)
- Past Tense: 쉬었어요 (swieosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 쉴 거예요 (swil geoyeyo)
I rest on weekends
저는 주말에 쉬어요 (jeoneun jumal-e swieoyo)
They rested yesterday
그들은 어제 쉬었어요
(geudeureun eoje swieosseoyo)
He will rest after work
그는 일 후에 쉴 거예요
(geuneun il hue swil geoyeyo)
39. To Travel: 여행하다 (yeohaenghada)

- Present Tense: 여행해요 (yeohaenghaeyo)
- Past Tense: 여행했어요 (yeohaenghaesseoyo)
- Future Tense: 여행할 거예요 (yeohaenghal geoyeyo)
She travels a lot
그녀는 많이 여행해요
(geunyeoneun mani yeohaenghaeyo)
We traveled to Europe
우리는 유럽으로 여행했어요
(urineun yuleob-eulo yeohaenghaesseoyo)
They will travel to Asia
그들은 아시아로 여행할 거예요
(geudeureun asia-ro yeohaenghal geoyeyo)
40. To Ride: 타다 (tada)
- Present Tense: 타요 (tayo)
- Past Tense: 탔어요 (tasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 탈 거예요 (tal geoyeyo)
I ride a bus to work
저는 버스를 타고 일하러 타요
(jeoneun beoseu-reul tago ilhaleo tayo)
He rode a bicycle to school
그는 자전거를 학교에 탔어요
(geuneun jajeongeo-reul hakgyo-e tasseoyo)
She will ride a train to the city
그녀는 기차로 도시에 탈 거예요
(geunyeoneun gichalo dosi-e tal geoyeyo)
41. To Cry: 울다 (ulda)

- Present Tense: 울어요 (uleoyo)
- Past Tense: 울었어요 (uleosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 울 거예요 (ul geoyeyo)
The baby cries at night
아기는 밤에 울어요 (agineun bam-e uleoyo)
He cried during the movie
그는 영화 중에 울었어요
(geuneun yeonghwa junge uleosseoyo)
She will cry if she loses
그녀는 잃으면 울 거예요
(geunyeoneun ilheumyeon ul geoyeyo)
42. To Love: 사랑하다 (salanghada)

- Present Tense: 사랑해요 (salanghaeyo)
- Past Tense: 사랑했어요 (salanghaesseoyo)
- Future Tense: 사랑할 거예요 (salanghal geoyeyo)
I love my family
저는 가족을 사랑해요
(jeoneun gajog-eul salanghaeyo)
He loved her
그는 그녀를 사랑했어요
(geuneun geunyeo-reul salanghaesseoyo)
They will love each other
그들은 서로를 사랑할 거예요
(geudeureun seololeul salanghal geoyeyo)
43. To Wake Up: 일어나다 (ileonada)

- Present Tense: 일어나요 (ileonayo)
- Past Tense: 일어났어요 (ileonasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 일어날 거예요 (ileonall geoyeyo)
I wake up at 6 am
저는 오전 6시에 일어나요
(jeoneun ojeon 6si-e ileonayo)
She woke up late
그녀는 늦게 일어났어요
(geunyeoneun neutge ileonasseoyo)
They will wake up early
그들은 일찍 일어날 거예요
(geudeureun iljjig ileonall geoyeyo)
44. To Wash – 씻다 (ssitda)
- Present Tense: 씻어 (ssis-eo)
- Past Tense: 씻었다 (ssis-eossda)
- Future Tense: 씻을 거예요 (ssis-eul geoyeyo)
그는 손을 씻어요 (geuneun soneul ssis-eoyo)
He washes his hands.
나는 어제 옷을 씻었다 (naneun eoje os-eul ssis-eossda)
I washed my clothes yesterday.
내일 차를 씻을 거예요 (naeil chaleul ssis-eul geoyeyo)
I will wash the car tomorrow.
강아지를 씻어야 해요 (gang-ajireul ssis-eoya haeyo)
I need to wash the puppy.
45. To Know – 알다 (alda)

- Present Tense: 알아요 (alayo)
- Past Tense: 알았어요 (alasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 알게 될 거예요 (alge doel geoyeyo)
나는 그 사실을 알아요 (naneun geu sasileul alayo)
I know that fact.
어제 그 영화를 봤어요 (eoje geu yeonghwareul bwasseoyo)
I watched that movie yesterday.
내일 그 소식을 알게 될 거예요 (naeil geu sosigeul alge doel geoyeyo)
I will know that news tomorrow.
그녀는 한국어를 알아요 (geunyeoneun hangug-eoleul alayo)
She knows Korean.
46. To Not Know – 모르다 (moleuda)

- Present Tense: 몰라요 (mollayo)
- Past Tense: 몰랐어요 (mollass-eoyo)
- Future Tense: 몰랐을 거예요 (mollass-eul geoyeyo)
나는 그 사람을 몰라요 (naneun geu salameul mollayo)
I don’t know that person.
어제 그 노래를 몰랐어요 (eoje geu nolaereul mollass-eoyo)
I didn’t know that song yesterday.
내일 그곳을 몰랐을 거예요 (naeil geugoseul mollass-eul geoyeyo)
I don’t know that place tomorrow.
그는 중국어를 몰라요 (geuneun jung-gugeoleul mollayo)
He doesn’t know Chinese.

47. To Like – 좋다 (johda)

- Present Tense: 좋아요 (johayo)
- Past Tense: 좋았어요 (johasseoyo)
- Future Tense: 좋을 거예요 (joh-eul geoyeyo)
난 치킨을 좋아요 (nan chikineul johayo)
I like chicken.
어제 그 음식이 좋았어요 (eoje geu eumsigi johasseoyo)
That food was good yesterday.
내일 날씨가 좋을 거예요 (naeil nalssiga joh-eul geoyeyo)
The weather will be nice tomorrow.
그녀는 고양이를 좋아요 (geunyeoneun goyang-ileul johayo)
She likes cats.
48. To Stay – 머물다 (meomulda)

- Present Tense: 머무르세요 (meomuleuseyo)
- Past Tense: 머물렀어요 (meomullyeoss-eoyo)
- Future Tense: 머무를 거예요 (meomuleul geoyeyo)
나는 친구집에 머무르세요 (naneun chingu jib-e meomuleuseyo)
I stay at my friend’s house.
어제 호텔에서 머물렀어요 (eoje hotel-eseo meomullyeoss-eoyo)
I stayed at a hotel yesterday.
내일 그 도시에서 머무를 거예요 (naeil geu dosi-eseo meomuleul geoyeyo)
I will stay in that city tomorrow.
그는 학교에서 머무르세요 (geuneun hakgyo-eseo meomuleuseyo)
He stays at school.
49. To Help – 돕다 (dopda)
Present Tense: 도와요 (dowayo)
Past Tense: 도왔어요 (dowasseoyo)
Future Tense: 도울 거예요 (doul geoyeyo)
나는 친구를 도와요 (naneun chinguleul dowayo)
I help my friend.
어제 엄마를 도왔어요 (eoje eommaleul dowasseoyo)
I helped my mom yesterday.
내일 그를 도울 거예요 (naeil geuleul doul geoyeyo)
I will help him tomorrow.
그녀는 동생을 도와요 (geunyeoneun dongsaeng-eul dowayo)
She helps her younger sibling.
50. To Use – 사용하다 (sayonghada)
- Present Tense: 사용해요 (sayonghaeyo)
- Past Tense: 사용했어요 (sayonghaesseoyo)
- Future Tense: 사용할 거예요 (sayonghal geoyeyo)
나는 컴퓨터를 사용해요 (naneun keompyuteoleul sayonghaeyo)
I use a computer.
어제 그 도구를 사용했어요 (eoje geu doguleul sayonghaesseoyo)
I used that tool yesterday.
내일 그 프로그램을 사용할 거예요 (naeil geu peulogeulaemeul sayonghal geoyeyo)
I will use that program tomorrow.
그는 휴대폰을 사용해요 (geuneun hyudaepon-eul sayonghaeyo)
He uses a cellphone.
51. To Arrive – 도착하다 (dochaghada)
- Present Tense: 도착해요 (dochakhaeyo)
- Past Tense: 도착했어요 (dochakhaesseoyo)
- Future Tense: 도착할 거예요 (dochakhal geoyeyo)
나는 학교에 도착해요 (naneun hakgyo-e dochakhaeyo)
I arrive at school.
어제 공항에 도착했어요 (eoje gonghang-e dochakhaesseoyo)
I arrived at the airport yesterday.
내일 회사에 도착할 거예요 (naeil hoesa-e dochakhal geoyeyo)
I will arrive at the company tomorrow.
그녀는 집에 도착해요 (geunyeoneun jib-e dochakhaeyo)
She arrives home.
52. To Pay – 내다 (naeda)
Present Tense: 내요 (naeyo)
Past Tense: 냈어요 (naesseoyo)
Future Tense: 낼 거예요 (nael geoyeyo)
나는 돈을 내요 (naneun don-eul naeyo)
I pay money.
어제 식당에서 냈어요 (eoje sikdang-eseo naesseoyo)
I paid at the restaurant yesterday.
내일 그 상품을 낼 거예요 (naeil geu sangpum-eul nael geoyeyo)
I will pay for that product tomorrow.
그는 버스 요금을 내요 (geuneun beoseu yogum-eul naeyo)
He pays the bus fare.
53. To Hear – 듣다 (deudda)
- Present Tense: 들어요 (deuleoyo)
- Past Tense: 들었어요 (deuleosseoyo)
- Future Tense: 들을 거예요 (deuleul geoyeyo)
나는 노래를 들어요 (naneun nolaereul deuleoyo)
I listen to music.
어제 그 이야기를 들었어요 (eoje geu iyagireul deuleosseoyo)
I heard that story yesterday.
내일 그 소식을 들을 거예요 (naeil geu sosigeul deuleul geoyeyo)
I will hear that news tomorrow.
그녀는 방송을 들어요 (geunyeoneun bangsong-eul deuleoyo)
She listens to the broadcast.
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Did you know you can sing a song and master the Korean verb list without lifting a finger?
Well, what could be better than that?
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Use flashcards and Test
Maybe drama is not your thing. What about flashcards?
I know it’s an old thing(you might be using Anki too)
But When it comes to mastering Korean vocabulary, you will never regret using these fellas.
Here is list

Alright, folks, we’ve reached the end of our Korean verb journey.
I hope those 50 verbs, with their past, present, and future tenses, have started to feel like good friends to you.
Just remember, every expert was once a beginner, and you’re on your way!
Keep practicing our common Korean verb list with sentences, and before you know it, you’ll be chatting away in Korean like a pro.
Thanks for sticking with us through this blog post.
Until next time, keep the Korean vibe alive and happy learning! Remember, you’ve got this!
Appreciate for the topic.