Native Korean Numbers| Ultimate Guide for Counting in Korean

By fluenttongue

Learning Korean numbers is hard, isn’t it? But when it comes to native Korean numbers, it’s an easy story.

Here’s how to read the native Korean numbers 1–100. All you have to do is memorize the Korean words for 18 numbers (numbers 1 to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90), and the rest of the numbers are simply combinations of these numbers. 

Here’s the complete list of native-Korean numbers 1-10 and 20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90 with hangul and pronunciations.

  • 1 – 하나 (hana)
  • 2 – 둘 (dul)
  • 3 – 셋 (set)
  • 4 – 넷 (net)
  • 5 – 다섯 (daseot)
  • 6 – 여섯 (yeoseot)
  • 7 – 일곱 (ilgob)
  • 8 – 여덟 (yeodeol)
  • 9 – 아홉 (ahop)
  • 10 – 열 (yeol)
  • 20: 스물 (seumul)
  • 30: 서른 (seoreun)
  • 40: 마흔 (maheun)
  • 50: 쉰 (swin)
  • 60: 예순 (yesun)
  • 70: 일흔 (ilheun)
  • 80: 여든 (yeodeun)
  • 90: 아흔 (aheun)

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to read native Korean numbers 1–100 with examples and exercises. You’ll also learn how to use numbers in sentences (free printable Korean flashcards and infographics included).

All right guys, it’s time to learn some beautiful numbers.

What are pure/native Korean numbers?

korean numbers 1-100

As you know, Korea has two number systems, i.e., one is Sino Korean Numbers and the other is Native Korean Numbers. The number system based on the Korean language is called pure/native Korean numbers.

  • If you want to learn more about Sino Korean numbers and Korean counting units, here‘s an ultimate guide to counting in Korean with Sino Korean numbers in 10 minutes.

Let’s start with the basic Korean numbers 1-10.

native Korean numbers 1-10: how to count in Korean from 1-10

native korean numbers

For counting in native Korean numbers, you only need to know numbers from 1 to 99. Because for bigger numbers, Koreans prefer to use the Sino-Korean number system.

Actually, after 60, Koreans hardly use native Korean in real-life conversations. Bigger numbers like 100 or 1000 existed in the past.

let’s learn how to count in Korean with basic Korean numbers 1 to 10.

Here’s the complete list of native-Korean Numbers 1-10 with hangul and pronunciations.

  • 1 – 하나 (hana)
  • 2 – 둘 (dul)
  • 3 – 셋 (set)
  • 4 – 넷 (net)
  • 5 – 다섯 (daseot)
  • 6 – 여섯 (yeoseot)
  • 7 – 일곱 (ilgob)
  • 8 – 여덟 (yeodeol)
  • 9 – 아홉 (ahop)
  • 10 – 열 (yeol)

Done with how to count to ten in Korean. Great!!

What does 4 mean in Korea?

The number four is considered unlucky in Korean culture and means death in Korean (as“death,” and 4 sound the same). So Korean buildings often lack a fourth floor (just as American buildings sometimes skip the 13th floor ). And you can find it written as “F”.

And The rest is easy.

Unlike dates in Korean, to count native Korean numbers, You only need to memorize the Korean words for 18 numbers (i.e. Korean numbers 1 to 10 and 20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90). The other numbers are basically the combinations of these 18 numbers. 

Did you know?

  • If you’ve ever seen a Korean person taking a photograph, you’ve probably heard them count to 3 before taking the picture by saying “하나, 둘, 셋“ “Hana,dul, set”.

pure Korean numbers 1-100|how to count in Korean beyond native Korean Numbers 1 to 10.

native korean numbers

Unlike Sino-Korean numbers, numbers 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 have their own special words. The correct way of reading the native Korean numbers is to read the tens digits first (10,20,30….) and then say the unit digits (native Korean numbers 1-10).

and you’re all set!

In this sense, you can read 11 as “ten one”, 12 as “ten two” and so on.

Let’s say you want to say 21 in Korean which is “스물하나” (seumulhana) which is a combination of 20 in Korean (스물) and 1(하나 in Korean ). Then 12 in Korean would be 열둘[combination of 10(열) and 2(둘 )].

Here they are

  • 10: 열 (yeol)
  • 20: 스물 (seumul)
  • 30: 서른 (seoreun)
  • 40: 마흔 (maheun)
  • 50: 쉰 (swin)
  • 60: 예순 (yesun)
  • 70: 일흔 (ilheun)
  • 80: 여든 (yeodeun)
  • 90: 아흔 (aheun)

Knowing this, it should be easy. Try to write the numbers 11-19 now.

  • 34 – 서른넷( soreunnet)- 30(서른)+4(넷 )
  • 67 – 예순일곱 (yesunilgop)- 60(예순)+7(일곱) 
  • 21 – 스물하나 (seumulhana) – 20(스물)+1(하나)
  • 11 – 열하나(yolhana) – 10(열)+1(하나) 
  • 33 – 서른셋(soreunset)- 30(서른)+3(셋)
  • 55 – 쉰다섯(swindasot) – 50(쉰)+5(다섯)
  • 99 – 아흔아홉(aheunahop) – 90(아흔)+9(아홉)
  • 82 – 여든둘(yodeundul)- 80(여든)+2(둘)
  • 64 – 예순넷(yesunnet) – 60(예순)+4(넷)
  • 72 – 일흔둘(ilheundul) – 70(일흔)+2(둘)
  • 58 – 쉰여덟(swinnyodol) – 50(쉰)+8(여덟) 
  • 46 – 마흔여섯(maheunnyosot) – 40(마흔)+6(여섯) 
  • 95 –  아흔다섯(aheundasot) – 90(아흔)+5(다섯) 
  • 79 – 일흔아홉(ilheunahop) – 70(일흔)+9(아홉) 

How to say 100,1000,10k in native Korean(not 백, 천, & 만 )?

  • In the Korean counting system, the Sino Korean words (Chinese numbers) for 100,100,10,000 are 백(百), 천(千), 만(萬). However, the specific native Korean words for 100, 1000, and 10,000 existed in the old days in Korea.People don’t use them in day-to-day life conversations anymore, and they have almost forgotten.
  • Here is a list of Korean counterparts for numbers,백, 천, and 만?
  • 100 in native Korean – Ohn (온)
  • 1,000 in native Korean – Zumun (즈믄)
  • 10,000 in native Korean – Gol (골)
  • 100,000,000 in native Korean – Jal (잘)
  • 1,000,000,000,000 in native Korean – Wool (울)

Why do Koreans have two number systems?

Well, it has something to do with Korea’s long history with China and its influence on Korean culture.

one of them is counting in Korean using Chinese numbers.

Just Look at a map and you’ll see that China and Korea are geographically so close. Besides trading goods to Korea, the Chinese language also influenced the Korean language and culture in many aspects of common daily life greetings and words

In fact, It’s even said that 60% of words in the Korean language use Chinese characters

Koreans used Chinese characters before they invented Hangul. Besides, it’s quicker to count large numbers in the Sino-Korean system. 

Korea chose to use both number systems for different purposes. with one exception. when it comes to counting time in Korean, they use both number systems at the same time.

Let’s start the count in Korean using counters

What Are Native Korean Numbers Used For? pure Korean Numbers And Counters.

native korean numbers

Native-Korean numbers are used mainly to count things. This Korean counting system is used for age, counting people, counting animals, expressing time(hours), and much more.

However, there are certain things that you have to count in Sino-Korean only

In Korea, 개 (gae) is the most common and general counter. You can really use it for most non-living things, especially if you can’t decide which counter to use.

but first, you need to know how to count to ten in Korean and some counters words

Here is the simple pattern for counting in Korean using native counters. When saying how many of something there are, you say the noun, then the Native Korean number, and add the counter word at the end. 

It looks like this


You might be asking yourself, “How many of those counterwords are there?” 

Technically a lot but the good news is 

if you start with the most basic ones, you won’t feel so daunted later.

Don’t know how counters in Korean work yet?

  • Check out this step-by-step guide on all types of counters and how to count in Korean using counters words.

Now, before we start, it’s important to note that when we use native-Korean numbers to count in Korean, all numbers are used as they are spoken in Korean. 

But here are the five exceptional ones that don’t follow the rules.

  • 1 하나  shortened and becomes  한
  • 2 둘  becomes 두
  • 3 셋 becomes 세
  • 4 넷  becomes 네
  • 20 스물  becomes  스무

So its not 하나 개, but 한 개, and it’s not 스물 명, but 스무 명

Did you know?

  • Koreans generally use native-Korean numbers to count in Korean from 20 to 40. Beyond that, it’s quite common for Koreans to use either Sino-Korean or native-Korean numbers. Except for the case when telling time in the Korean language, which uses both number systems. 

Here is a complete list of the most common Korean counters used with Sino Korean numbers for you to get started!

  • To count general things, items: 개 (gae)
  • To count the people: 명(myeong)
  • To count the animals: 마리 (Mari)
  • To count the age in Korean: sal
  • To count counter for buildings and houses: 채 (chae) 
  • To count pairs of shoes: 레 (kyeolle) 
  • To count  clothes벌: (beol) 
  • To count pieces of paper: 장 (jang) 
  • To count pens and pencils 자루 (jaru).
  • To count bottles: 병 (byeong)
  • To count cars and machines: 대 (dae) 
  • To count books and notebooks: 권 (gwon) 

Let’s see some counting expressions, like this:

  • 11 student – 학생 열하나 명(hakssaeng yolhana myong)
  • Three cats – 고양이 세 마리(goyangi se mari)
  • Ten pairs of socks – 양말 열 켤레(yangmal yol kyolre)
  • age of eighteen-나이 열여덟 살(nai yolryodol sal)
  • a bird- 새 한 마리(sae han mari)
  • 5 sheets of paper-종이 5장(jongi o jang)
  • One slice of pizza -피자 한 조각(pija han jogak)
  • 34 frogs- 개구리 서른넷 마리(gaeguri soreunnet mari)

Example Sentences With Native Korean Numbers

  • I’m 32 years old.

저는 서른둘 살이에요.joneun soreundul sarieyo

  • 2 bottles of cola, please.

콜라 2병 주세요. – kolra i byong juseyo

  • I bought 5 books and 11 pencil

나는 책 5 권과 연필 11 권을 샀다.- naneun chaek o gwongwa yonpil sibil gwoneul sattta

  • Please give me 12 oranges.

오렌지 12개 주세요.-orenji sibi gae juseyo

  • There are six people in my family.

우리 가족은 여섯 명이에요.uri gajogeun yosot myongieyo

Let’s see in detail

count in Korean with 개 (Gae)|A General Counter For Things, Items, And Units

native korean numbers

If you can’t express a counter for a piece of object in a Korean sentence, there is one absolutely must-know Korean counter in your rescue.

i.e. counter Gae(개) and it is a general counter for things, items, and units, basically non-living things. Gae(개) literally means “dog” in Korean.

Why only one?

In a way, it’s magical. If you are lazy, or if you don’t know the correct counter for something while talking, you can just use this and it will (probably) make sense.

Keep in mind that most of the time they are used along with native Korean numbers.

Here’s how

Numbers + 개 [gae] (counter for things)

  • 1 = 하나 –> 한 개
  • 2 = 둘 –> 두 개
  • 3 = 셋 –> 세 개
  • 4 = 넷 –> 네 개
  • 5 = 다섯 –> 다섯 개
  • 6 = 여섯 –> 여섯 개
  • 7 = 일곱 –> 일곱 개
  • 8 = 여덟 –> 여덟 개
  • 9 = 아홉 –> 아홉 개
  • 10 = 열 –> 열 개
  • 11=열한 개,
  • 12=열두 개,
  • 13=열세 개
  • 19=열아홉 개
  • 20=스무 개

And so on

Notice how the numbers 1, 2,3,4 & 20 keep coming up to be a pain in the butt?

Let’s take some examples

  • one apple = 사과 [sa-gwa] + 1 + 개 [gae] = 사과 한 개 [sa-gwa han gae]
  • two stones = 돌 [dol] + 2 + 개 [gae] = 돌 두 개 [dol du gae]
  • five balls = 공 [gong] + 5 + 개 [gae] = 공 다섯 개 [gong da-seot gae]
  • 12 dolls
  • Five pieces of chicken.-치킨이 5개.
  • 2 t-shirts -티셔츠  2개
  • Two pairs of sunglasses-선글라스 2개.

Although the explanation “it can count anything” is pretty right on the money. 

For language learners, it’s better to use incorrect ones and get feedback than not at all

명(Myeong) → A Counter Used For People

native korean numbers

The counter 사람 [sa-ram] is used to count people. 사람 by itself means person/people, basically referring to a  small number of people.

Usually, for counting the number of people you can use counter 명[myeong]. That covers most of its use

but Koreans use 분 can actually count seven different categories of things, which we broke down in great detail 

To count people all you need to do is

Noun +no of people +명[myeong]

For example

  • one person = 한 명 [han myeong]
  • 12 students=학생열둘명[hakssaengyoldulmyong]= 학생 [hak-saeng] + 12[ 열둘]+ 명 [myeong]
  • three friends  = 친구 세 명 [chin-gu se myeong] =친구 [chin-gu] + 3 + 명 [myeong] 
  • 40 people= 마흔명/사십명[maheunmyongsasimmyong]= 마흔[maheun] + 명 [myeong]

So to say 50 people, you could either say 오십명, or 쉰 명 if you’d like. And to say 100 people, it’s just 백 명.

Example sentences

  • How many people are there?
  • 몇 명 있어요? [myeot myeong i-sseo-yo?]
  • There are 7 people.
  • 일곱명 있어요. ilgommyong issoyo
  • why do you draw 3 people?
  • 왜 3명이나 생겼어요?
  • Did our manager kill 4 people? 
  • 매니저가 4명을 죽였나요?-maenijoga sa myongeul jugyonnayo
  • I think about 4 people are our fans.
  • 4분 정도가 저희 팬인 것 같습니다.

마리 (Mari): Learn The Korean Counter For Animals?

native korean numbers

The main thing that 마리 [mari] does is count animals in Korean.  

If you can pick up small or large-sized animals the animal, fish, you can probably count them with 마리 [mari]

However, counting couples (For people & animals) change is the more common counter.

마리 (Mari) is the Korean counter for animals. To count animals in Korean, all you need to do is say the animal’s name followed by the number of animals you want to count and then add 마리 [mari] at the end.

The basic structure look like this

Noun +number of animals + 마리 [mari]

 Let’s take some examples

  • one dog = 개 한 마리(gae han mari)=개 [hak-saeng] +한[1] + 마리 [mari]
  • two frogs = 개구리 두 마리(gaeguri du mari)= 개구리 [gaeguri] + 2[두] + 마리 [mari] 
  • three rabbit = 토끼 세 마리[tokki se mari]= 토끼 [tokki] + 3[세] + 마리 [mari] 
  • 11 sheep=양열  열하나마리(yangnyol yolhanamari)=양[yang] +11[열하나]+ 마리 [mari]
  • 42 cats=고양이 사십이 마리(goyangi sasibi mari) =고양이[goyangi ]+ 42[사십이] +마리 [mari]
  • 8 birds-새여덟마리[sae yodol mari]
  • 17 wolves=늑대 열일곱 마리[neukttae yorilgop mari]

 Example sentences

  • Do you raise a pet?

애완동물 키워요?-Aewandongmool kiwoyo?

  • I raise one dog and two rabbits.

개 한 마리 하고 토끼 두 마리 키워요.- gae han mari hago tokki du mari kiwoyo

  • Do you have a pet?

애완동물이 있나요? – aewandongmuri innayo 

  • No, I don’t have but I want to adopt a cat.

없어요, 하지만 고양이를 입양하고 싶어요.

opssoyo hajiman goyangireul ibyanghago sipoyo

  • I have three dogs at home.

저희 집에 강아지가 세마리 있어요.johi jibe gangajiga semari issoyo

  • I saw two wolves and one fox in the forest

숲에서 늑대 두 마리와 여우 한 마리를 봤어요.

supeso neukttae du mariwa you han marireul bwassoyo

Test yourself with this Korean vocabulary quiz 

Test yourself with this Korean vocabulary quiz. TRANSLATE THIS? 

  • 5 elephant
  • 13 snakes
  • 25 birds
  • 11 ants


  • 1.코끼리 다섯 마리,(kokkiri dasot mari)
  • 2. 뱀 열셋 마리(baem yolset mari)
  • 3. 새 스물다섯 마리(sae seumuldasot mari),
  • 4. 개미 열하나 마리(gaemi yolhana mari)

Korean Age: How To Calculate And Talk About It

age in korean

Age is so important in Korea. In fact, Koreans exchange their age information at the very first meeting. 

Because Age determines whether you will talk to other parties in informal or formal language. 

You could accidentally offend people if you are not careful! So it’s crucial to know to count age in Korean before you even land in Korea.

To count age in Korean, all you need to do is add and use the native Korean number plus 살 (sal), the word for “year (s) old.”

Age in Native Korean number +  살 (sal)

Let’s take some examples

  • 31 years – 서른하나[soreunhana] +  살 (sal)=서른하나살[soreunhanasal]
  • 18 years – 열여덟 +  살 (sal)
  • 21 years – 스물하나+  살 (sal)
  • 25 years – 스물다섯+  살 (sal)
  • 30 years – 서른+  살 (sal)
  • 29 years – 스물아홉+  살 (sal)
  • 32 years – 서른둘+  살 (sal)
  • 100 years – 백+  살 (sal)
  • 50 years old-쉰 살swin sal+  살 (sal)


  • How old are you?
  • 몇 살이세요?- myot sariseyo
  • I am 28 years old.
  • 저는 스물여덟 살이세요- joneun seumulryodol sariseyo
  • I have done it since I was 18 years old.
  • 전 18살부터 했습니다.
  • I am 31 years old and live in Seoul.
  • 저는 서울 사는 31세 하나에요.
  • I’m actually not 28 years old. I m  20 years old
  • 사실 18살이 아닙니다.20살이에요! 
  • When we first met him, wasn’t he 18 years old?
  • 연준이 형 처음 봤을 때 18살 아니었어요?
  • “Hello, guys! I’m Yoon Jin. I’m 18 years old.”
  • 안녕하세요, 저는 낭랑 18세 여고생 윤진이에요.’
  • I wish I was 21 years old forever.
  • 이제 21살이 된 게 너무 신기하다.


Test yourself with this Korean vocabulary quiz. TRANSLATE THIS? 

  • 25 years
  • 33 year
  • 27 years
  • 11 years
  • 99 years


  • 1. 스물다섯살
  • 2. 서른셋 살
  • 3.스물일곱 살
  • 4.열하나 살
  • 5.아흔아홉 살

Korean Counter For Buildings: 채 (Chae) → A Counter For Houses And Buildings

native korean numbers

To count houses, all you need to do is write the numbers in native Korean numbers and add the word 채 (chae). 채 (chae) is a counter for houses and buildings.

Number + 채 (chae) 

Here are some example

  • 7 houses =일곱채[ilgopchae] = 일곱 [[ilgop] + 건물(konmul)
  • 17 houses = 이열일곱 채 [iyorilgop chae]=  열일곱[iyorilgop ]+ 채 (chae)


  • This building has 4 houses
  • 이 건물에는 집이 4채 있다.-i gonmureneun jibi sa chae ittta

Korean Counter For Shoes켤레 (Kyeolle) → A Counter For Pairs Of Shoes

native korean numbers

켤레 (kyeolle) is a counterword for shoes in Korean. To count shoes,  all you need to do is add the Korean word for shoes which is sinbal and then add the numbers of shoes(in pairs) and then add the counter 켤레 (kyeolle) at the end.

The structure looks like this 

Noun +number of shoes pair  + 켤레 (kyeolle)

 Let’s see some examples

  • Seven pair of shoes =신발[sinbal] + 일곱[ilgop] + 켤레 (kyeolle) = 신발일곱켤레[sinbarilgopkyolre]
  • 2 pair of shoes= 신발 두 켤레[sinbal du kyolre]=신발[sinbal] +두[du]+ 켤레 (kyeolle) 
  • three pair of shoes = 신발[sinbal] + 셋[net] + 켤레 (kyeolle) =sinbalnekyolre

Example sentences

  • Did you order 3 pairs of shoes?

신발 세 켤레 주문하셨나요?-sinbal se kyolre jumunhasyonnayo

  • I have 6 pairs of shoes as well.

나는 신발도 여섯 켤레가 있어.-naneun sinbaldo yosot kyolrega isso

  • I have 2 pairs of Adidas shoes and 8 pairs of Lego shoes!

저는 아디다스 신발 2켤레와 레고 신발 8켤레가 있어요!-joneun adidaseu sinbal i kyolrewa rego sinbal pal kyolrega issoyo

Korean Counter For Paper: 장 (Jang) → A Counter Used For Pieces Of Papers

native korean numbers

장 (jang) is a counter used to count pieces of paper. To count papers in Korean, all you need to do is the number of papers and add the word at the end.

The basic structure looks like this 

number of papers + 장 (jang)

As in

  • 21 sheet of paper = 스물하나 장 [seumulhana jang]= 스물하나[seumulhan] + 장 (jang)
  • 12 sheets of papers=열둘 장 [yoldul jang]= 열둘 [hak-saeng] + 장 (jang)  

Example sentences 

  • I need 5 sheets of paper 

종이 5장이 필요합니다.-jongi o jangi piryohamnida

  • There are 5 sheets of paper on the table.

탁자 위에 종이가 다섯 장 있다.-takjja wie jongiga dasot jang ittta

  • There are four pieces of paper.

이렇게 4개의 쪽지가 있어요.

  • Didn’t you pick two pieces of paper?

2장 뽑지 않았어요?

Korean Counter For Pencil-자루 (Jaru).How Do You Count Pencils In Korean?

native korean numbers

자루[Jaru] is the counter to counting pencils in Korean.  To count pencils in Korean, all you have to do is followed by the number of pencils and add the word자루[Jaru] at the end.

The basic structure looks like this

Noun +number of animals + 자루[Jaru]

  • 4 pencils = 연필 낫자루[yonpil netjjaru] = 연필[yonpil]+  넷 [net] + 자루[Jaru]
  • 6 pencil- 연필여섯자루[yonpiryosotjjaru]= 연필[ yonpil]+ 여섯+  자루 
  • 25 pencils =연필[yonpil]+스물다섯[seumuldasot][+ 자루[Jaru]= 연필스물다섯자루[yonpilseumuldasotjjaru]


  • Please give me 6 pencils

연필 여섯 자루 주세요.-yonpil yosot jaru juseyo

  • There are 45 pencils on the table

혹시 연필 같은 거 있으세요?

병 (Byeong) → A Counter For Bottles

native korean numbers

To count the number of bottles, you need to use the word 병 (byeong). Just say the numbers of bottles in the native Korean number system and add 병 (byeong) at the end.

number of bottles +병 (byeong)

For example 

  • one bottle= 한 병 [han byeong]=  한[han]+ 병 (byeong)
  • two bottles = 두병[dubyeong]= 두[du]+ 병 (byeong)
  • 27 bottles = 스물일곱[seumurilgop]+ 병 (byeong)=스물일곱병[seumurilgopppyong]

Example sentences

  • Shall I open another bottle?

한 병 더 딸까요?

  • please give me 5 milk bottles

우유 5병 주세요- uyu o byong juseyo

  • He drank a whole bottle of wine.

그는 포도주 한 병을 다 마셨다.- geuneun podoju han byongeul da masyottta

  • There are 5 water bottles here.

물병이 5개 있습니다.

대 (Dae) → A Counter For Cars And Machines

native korean numbers

To count cars in Korean, you can use the counter word대 (dae). All you need to do is add the Korean word for car followed by the number of cars you want to count and then add the word 대 (dae). 

Noun + number of cars +  대 (dae)


  • 3 cars = 자동차세대[jadongcha se dae]= 자동차 [hak-saeng] + 세 + 대 (dae)
  • 23 cars = 자동차스물셋대[ jadongchaseumulsetttae] =  자동차 [hak-saeng] + 스물셋 + 대 (dae)

 Example sentences

  • I have 3 cars

저는 차가 3대 있어요.-joneun chaga sam dae issoyo

  • i bought two cars yesterday

나는 어제 차 두 대를 샀다.- naneun oje cha du daereul sattta

Learn Korean Counter For Books And Notebooks: 권 (Gwon) 

native korean numbers

To count animals all you need to do is say books in Korean and add the counter 권 [gwon] after the number of books and notebooks.

The basic structure looks like this

Noun + number of books +  권 [gwon]

Let’s take some examples

  • Five books =책 다섯 권 [chaek dasot gwon]= 책[chaek]+ 다섯[dasot]+권[gwon]
  • two notebooks = 공책 두 권 [gongchaekdugwon]=공책 [gongchaek]+두[du]+ 권 [gwon]

 Example sentences

  • I brought five books.

저는 책 다섯 권을 가져왔어요.-joneun chaek dasot gwoneul gajowassoyo

  • There are two books. I’ll recommend it to you.

두 권 있어요 제가 추천해드릴게요.

  • I will bring two notebooks tomorrow.

내일 공책 두 권을 가지고 올게요.- naeil gongchaek du gwoneul gajigo olkkeyo

  • They only gave me three books.

3권밖에 안 주는 거예요.


Before we go further, practice translating these examples. The answers are at the bottom.

  • 45 books
  • 99 notebooks
  • 53 cars
  • 14 bottles

Answers: 1. 책 마흔다섯 권,2.공책 아흔아홉 권, 3.자동차쉰셋대, 4.열넷 병

Count In Korean With Ordinal Numbers: First, Second, Third.

We use Native Korean numbers when using ordinal numbers like “first,” “second,” and “third.”

The ordinal number counter word is 번째 (beonjjae). It gets added to the end of each number.

But the first four ordinal numbers are a bit different.

  • First – 첫번째 (cheosbeonjjae)
  • Second – 두번째 (dubeonjjae)
  • Third –  세번째 (sebeonjjae)
  • Fourth – 네번째 (nebeonjjae)
  • Fifth – 다섯번째 (daseosbeonjjae)

How to Say “Number” in Korean + Helpful Vocab

The Korean word for “Number” is 숫자 (sutja). 수 (su) also means numbers in Korean.

There are a few different words for “numbers” in the Korean language. It depends on the situation like saying “number of times” of something, just use the word 번 (beon). 

Korean used the word “번호 (beonho)” while talking about things like phone numbers or passwords. 

To refer to a street number, you can say The word 번지 (beonji) and 호 (ho) is used to refer to an apartment number.

When counting money or making changes, sometimes you need to do a little math. So here is a list of words that you might come across more often than you think.

  • Math: 수학 (suhak)
  • Plus: 더하기 (deohagi)
  • Minus: 빼기 (ppaegi)
  • Multiply: 곱하기 (gophagi)
  • Divide: 나누기 (nanugi)
  • Point: 소수점 (sosujeom)
  • Half: 반 (ban)
  • Equals: 와 같다 (wa gatda)
  • Total: 총액 (chong-aek)

9 Irregular Form Of native Korean Numbers Words You Didn’t Know That Exist

Here are some interesting things

Korean has several words formed with two or three consecutive numbers. Some of them have irregular or alternative forms.

Here’s how 

  • one or two – 한둘 handul / 한두 handu (“one or two” in front of measure words)
  • two or three –  두셋 [duset] / 두세 [duse] 
  • three or four – 서넛 seoneot / 서너 [seoneo] 
  • two or three or four – 두서넛 duseoneot  
  • four or five – 너덧 neodeot
  • five or six – 대여섯 daeyeoseot/대엿 daeyeot 
  • six or seven – 예닐곱 yenilgop 

How to remember native Korean numbers? The fastest way

Done with learning Korean numbers


But when it comes to remembering numbers, things can get a little harder

 Here are the steps I used to memorize Korean numbers.

Anki Isn’t The Only Game In Town. just sing a song

Did you know you can sing a song and master the native Korean number?

Well, what could be better than that?

Here is how Koreans do it all the time (now you can do it too!!!) 

if learning Korean number songs doesn’t suit you,

How about mnemonics and storytelling?

And Here’s how to do it

Learn Korean numbers using Korean drama- Use it in a real-life conversation 

It’s no secret that the more you use words in real life, the quicker you memorize these words without lifting a finger.

So, why not try it now? Don’t know how to?

Here is a funny video I got while I was learning Korean numbers (funny but effective) by TEUIDA Mini Series.

Use flashcards and Test

Maybe mnemonics is not your thing. 

What about flashcards?

I know it’s an old thing(you might be using Anki too)

But When it comes to mastering Korean vocabulary, you will never regret using these fellas. 

We have 24 free printable flashcards(printable and illustrated) for you.

Cut and print or learn it on PC.

Choice is yours

Here are some other great resources for flashcards I found while I was learning Korean online

Other Online Resources

We live in the era of the 20th century. 

And I bet you  love to surf (well, who doesn’t?)

The internet is full of free stuff and language resources that you haven’t explored yet. Here is what I found when I was learning.

Here is a list (I hope it might help you)


See, it’s not that hard to master native Korean numbers

In fact, practice it until it becomes second nature that you don’t have to remember them each time any words pop up in a conversation.

If you are a fan of Korean drama or k-pop, combine these numbers with common Korean words and phrases that are mostly used in Korean media and you’ll be on your way to understanding k dramas easily 

Even better You can watch them without subtitles.

But wait “Don’t go!”

if you want to learn Korean online, working with a private teacher is the way to go. Italki has awesome Korean teachers who can really make a difference compared to traditional courses.

native korean numbers

Korean might seem overwhelming at first, but with your teacher’s support, you’ll conquer your doubts and learn comfortably at your own pace

Are you an expert in native Korean numbers now? Answer these questions in the comment below and find out.

Thank you, guys(여러분 감사합니다). and see you at the next Korean lessons

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