Free Korean Alphabet Flashcards & worksheet bundle


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Interested in Submitting a Guest Post? 

 Our audience is looking to know more about language learning, tips, and tricks to reach fluency, and any relevant Korean cultural insight you have that can help make learning a new language easier that captivates and excites our audience.

We get a LOT of emails. So, we really appreciate you taking the time to make sure your piece fits our guidelines.

Why Should I Publish a Guest Post on Fluenttongue?

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Posting a guest article on our blog will essentially allow you to…

  • We’ll promote your post through email marketing with our 4000+ email list subscribers.
  • Share your ideas with hundreds of thousands of people who are interested in learning Korean and chinese and language learning tips
  • To bring fresh perspectives to our readers.
  • Get a do-follow backlink, and grow your own website visibility on Google
  • We will share your post on Instagram and Pinterest accounts and get more eyes on your website

Sponser Guest Posts facilities in Fluenttongue?

We  provide the following facilities on your website,

we don’t publish casino, adult, porn education, CBD, and other related grey niches on our website. No sponsored Tags in posts

we only publish content related to our website audience’s interest. for more, you can check our Write to Us page and some of our articles.

Send us a draft. If your draft fits our criteria and audience, we can talk about how many backlinks you want.

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want to submit a sponser guest post ?

Contact us by email address

we’ll definitely reply to you within 2 to 3 days

Guidelines to Write Guest Post on Fluenttongue:

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The post must be 100% original and free from plagiarism or AI-generated content.
No copy-pasting from CHATGPT allowed. Use it to improve your draft’s conversational tone and polish it instead.
We do not republish existing posts on this blog.
The topic of the content should be centered around language learning tips and tricks, language tool reviews, ultimate guides, and top-list articles, specifically for learning Korean or Chinese languages. 
We prefer articles that have a conversational tone and are written in a funny and engaging manner. It’s important that the explanations are simple and clear, so that readers can easily understand the content.
The minimum length of the article should be 1500- 2500 words.
Edited (appropriate headings, grammar, no spelling mistakes, short paragraphs [1 to 2 lines per paragraph] ) and ready for submission.
The article should be SEO-optimized and properly structured.
Mention high-quality sources, like Wikipedia or Korean practice materials such as worksheets, articles, or quizlets, and properly attribute any facts or details used in articles.
Add 1 or 2 copyright-free or properly attributed image. AI-generated images are also okay.
Please provide a brief bio that includes a photograph of yourself, as well as a link to your blog or social media page.
Make it awesome and interesting!  (Check out our blog for examples.)

Check Out Our Recent Posts to Learn More About the topics that Readers like and our Writing Styles

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    Did you Know This?

    Writing a guest post for means giving us exclusive rights to your article. 

    We have the right to use and modify your article as we wish and use the full text or excerpts in our social media. 

    You will not be able to ask us to remove it from our site once it has been published.

    What Kind of Article Should I Write?

    guest post

    We are recently accepting free guest posts on these topics

    We are thrilled to announce that is now open for guest posts!
    We invite submissions on various topics related to language learning, including but not limited to:

    Korean alphabet exploration
    Chinese , Japanese and Korean language learning tips
    Reviews of online language courses
    Detailed tutorials for learners 
    Korean slang guides
    Listicles like “100 Common Korean Phrases” and “Top 100 Korean Words for Beginners”
    Common chinese,japanese and Korean phrases tailored for travelers
    In-depth Korean grammar lessons
    Language lessons and resources
    Insights into Korean culture
    Strategies for fast-tracking Korean language acquisition
    Any other content related to foreign language learning

    The topic should be centered around LANGUAGE LEARNING, Korean or Chinese language, tips and tricks and language tool reviews., ultimate guide, and top list articles.

    Be a part of our vibrant community and share your expertise with language enthusiasts.

    guest post

    want to submit a sponser guest post ?

    Contact us by email address

    we’ll reply to you within 2 to 3 days

    If you want to write a guest post about the Chinese or Japanese language you can write on these topics

    How to say hello in Chinese
    How to say thank you in Chinese
    How to Say Sorry in Chinese
    How to say yes in Chinese
    How to say no in Chinese
    How to say Good morning in Chinese
    Common Chinese greetings for beginners
    How to say hello in Japanese
    Common Japanese greetings for beginners
    Insights into chinese and japanese culture
    How to say Good morning in Japanese
    Complete guide on essential words and phrases in Japanese for travelers

    If your idea is cool, well thought-out, original and we have not yet covered the subject. If we feel that your article can interesting for our readers, then we’d love to publish your article in our blog.

    guest post

    want to submit a sponser guest post ?

    Contact us by email address

    we’ll reply to you within 2 to 3 days


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