Are you really tired of looking up the same vegetable or fruit in Korean every time you need to read Korean recipes, go grocery shopping, or watch Korean cooking shows?
Not anymore!
This complete guide breaks down 71 fruits and vegetables into 6 different categories from basic fruits and vegetables in Korean to more advanced cooking verbs, common herbs, memorization tips, and related Korean phrases.
We even include free printable flashcards so that you can learn on the go and show off your Korean skills to your family and friends wherever you need it.
Alright friends, Let’s dig in…
Table of Contents
How to say fruits in Korean?

Who hasn’t experienced the joy of munching a few seasonal fruits in their mouths sometimes?
Everyone loves it, right? So do Koreans.
In fact, the country imports bananas (from the Philippines), oranges (from California), kiwis (from New Zealand and Chile), mangoes, and avocados in huge amounts every year.
So it makes perfect sense to learn about the Korean names of fruits and how to talk about them.
Before saying hello to a bunch of beautiful fruits name, you need to learn how to say the word fruit itself.
Fruits in Korean are called 과실[gwasil]. These are the commonly eaten fruits in Korea are strawberry (in spring), watermelon, yellow melons/Chamae and peach (summer), apple, persimmon, and pear (autumn), and mandarin orange (winter).
Here is a complete list of the most common fruits in Korean for complete beginners, with translations for you to get started.
Here is a list of popular Fruits in Korean language with a translation to start you with.
- Apple in Korean -사과 [sa gwa]
- Pear in Korean – 배 [bae]
- Peach in Korean – 복숭아 [bok ssun ga]
- Orange in Korean – 오렌지 [o ren ji]
- Banana in Korean – 바나나 [ba na na]
- Strawberry in Korean –딸기 [ttal gi]
- Grapes in Korean – 포도 [po do]
- Watermelon in Korean –수박 [su bak]
- Apricot in Korean – 살구 [sal gu]
- Pineapple in Korean – 파인애플 [pah in ae peul]
- Persimmon in Korean -감 [gam]
- Cherries in Korean – 체리 [che lee]
- Melon in Korean -멜론 [mel lon]
- Pomegranate in Korean -석류 [seong nyu]
- Tangerine in Korean – 귤 [gyool]
Memorization Tips
Let’s take some examples
The fruit is very fresh
과일이 아주 신선 해요 – gwairi aju sinson haeyo
Give me some fresh fruit, please.
신선한 과일 좀 주세요 – sinsonhan gwail jom juseyo
I like all kinds of fruits.
저는 과일 다 좋아해요 – joneun gwail da joahaeyo
This fruit doesn’t taste good
이 과일은 맛이 없어요 – i gwaireun masi opssoyo
What fruit do you like?
과일 뭐 좋아해요? – gwail mwo joahaeyo
To make things even easier, we have divided the whole Korean lesson into bite-sized pieces by category
9 Citrus Fruits In Korean Every beginner Need To Know
The perfect combo of sweet and sour flavors of citrus fruits is an offer that’s hard to refuse.
After all, who hasn’t experienced the joy of eating a cold orange popsicle on a hot summer day? plus citrus fruits’ nutritional benefits can’t be dismissed.
Well, interested in trying them in Korea?
It’s time to add some fruity words to your Korean vocabulary list.
Here is a list of popular citrus fruits in Korean with pictures and example sentences to expand your vocabulary.
English | Korean | Romanization |
orange | 오렌지 | orenji |
Grapefruit | 자몽 | Ja-mong |
Lime | 라임 | raim |
Lemon | 레몬 | remon |
Kumquat | geumgyul | |
Mandarine/clementine/tangerine | 귤 | gyool |
Jeju citrus | 한라봉 | Hallabong |
Citron | 유자 | yuja |
Example Sentences:
I ate an orange.
나는 오렌지를 먹었다 – naneun orenjireul mogottta.
Please give me more lemon.
레몬 좀 더 주세요 – remon jom do juseyo
Do you like mandarine?
수박 좋아하세요?
Fun Facts
9 Delicious And Healthy Stone Fruits In Korean Every beginner Need To Know

Stone fruits in Korean are called haekgwa (fruits that have a pit & covered by a fleshy outer area).
They are really the juicy, tart-sweet treat that we are munching on and offer loads of health benefits.
So, Getting to know these Korean fruits is a must-have if you want to enhance your Korean vocabulary.
From sweet peaches to sour cherries, here’s how to talk about the 9 healthy stone fruits in the Korean language with examples and translations.
- Apple – 사과 – sagwa
- Peach – 복숭아 – boksunga
- Korean pears – 배 – bae
- plum – 자두 – ja doo
- apricot – 살구 – salgu
- cherry – 체리 – cheri
- Nectarine – 승도복숭아 – chuhn do bok sunga
- olive – 올리브 – ollibeu
- fig – 무화과 – muhwagwa
Apple In Korean
The Korean word for apple is 사과 [sagwa].
How many apples did you buy?
사과를 몇 개나 샀어요? – sagwareul myot gaena sassoyo
Green apples are more delicious than red apples.
녹색 사과가 빨간 사과보다 맛있어요 – nokssaek sagwaga ppalgan sagwaboda madissoyo
Fun Facts: Difference Between Apple And Apology In Korean
Pear in Korean is called 배 [ bae ].
How much is a box of pears?
배 한 상자는 얼마예요? – bae han sangjaneun olmaeyo
복숭아 [ boksunga ] means peach in Korean.
He bought a lot of peaches
그는 복숭아를 많이 샀다. – geuneun bokssungareul mani sattta
자두 [ ja doo ] means plum.
Plums are small
자두가 작어요- jaduga jagoyo
The korean word for apricot is 살구 [ salgu ]
The apricot pie is very delicious.
살구 파이가 아주 맛있어요 – salgu paiga aju madissoyo
Cherry in Korean is called 체리 [ cheri ]
The cherries are sweet.
체리가 달아요 – cheriga darayo
승도복숭아 [ chuhn do bok sunga ] is called Nectarine.
This nectarine is delicious
이 천도 복숭아는 맛있어요- i chondo bokssunganeun madissoyo
The Korean word for olive is 올리브 [ ollibeu ]
Do you like olives? No, I don’t
올리브 좋아하세요? 아니요 – olribeu joahaseyo? aniyo
무화과 [ muhwagwa ] mean fig in Korean.
The Figs are expensive
무화과가 비싸요- muhwagwaga bissayo
10 Healthy Berries And Melon In Korean You Should Know

When was the last time you enjoyed a sweet strawberry or tangy cranberry? How about a sweet-and-sour raspberry? Did you love to munch a few grapes or melons in your mouth from time to time in Korea?
Well, what are you waiting for?
There’s a whole world of berries and melon words in Korean out there for you to explore!
So, I’ve rounded up 10 healthy berries and melons in Korean for beginners, plus their translation and tips for how to use them with example sentences.
- Strawberry – 딸기 – ttal ghi
- Blueberry – 블루베리 – beul loo beh ree
- Blackberry – 블랙베리 – beul lek beh ree
- Grapes – 포도 – po do
- Watermelon – 수박 – su bak
- Melon/honeydew – 멜론 – mel lon
- Raspberry – 산딸기/ – sahn ttal ghi/la jeu beh lee
- Cranberry – 크랜베리 – keuraenberi
- Gooseberry – 구스베리 – guseubeli
- Korean melon – 참외 – cham weh
- The Figs are expensive
- 무화과가 비싸요- muhwagwaga bissayo
Korean Word Fun Facts
Example Sentences:
- Strawberries are in season.
- 딸기가 제철입니다 – ttalgiga jechorimnida
- Tom picked out a blackberry and ate it.
- 톰은 블랙 베리를 골라 먹었습니다.tomeun beulraek berireul golra mogotsseumnida
- Do you have fresh watermelon?
- 수박 좋아하세요?
- Do you know how much melon costs right now?
- 지금 멜론 가격이 얼마인지 아세요? – jigeum melron gagyogi olmainji aseyo
- The box is full of grapes.
- 상자에 포도가 가득 했어요 – sangjae podoga gadeuk haessoyo
- I love Raspberry on Christmas cake.
- 저는 크리스마스 케이크에 라즈베리를 좋아해요 – joneun keuriseumaseu keikeue rajeuberireul joahaeyo
other general fruits in Korean
Learning fruit names in Korean is so easy. Because some Korean fruits’ names are similar to English, you just need to “Koreanize” them while pronouncing them.
So, you want to learn to talk about some general fruits in Korean? Get started with these 11 words.
- Persimmon – 감 – gam
- Star fruit – 별 모양의 과일 – byeol moyang-ui gwail
- Dragon fruit – 용과 – yonggwa
- Quince – 마르멜로 – maleumello
- Jujube – 대추 – daechu
- Prickly pear – 선인장 열매 – seon-injang yeolmae
Ko English words: Korean fruits name that is similar to English
- Banana in Korean – 바나나 – banana
- Avocado – 아보카도 – abokado
- Kiwi – 키위 – kiwi
- Guava-구아바-guaba
- Lychee – 리치 – lichi
- Pineapple – 파인애플 – pah in eh peul
- Mango – 망고 – mango
- Papaya – 파파야 – papaya
- Pomegranate – 석류 – sung new
- Lemon – 레몬 – remon
- Cherry – 체리- che lee
- Cantaloupe – 칸탈루프 – can tal loo peu
- Kiwano – 키와노- ki wa no
- Durian- 두리안 – durian
Pronunciation Tips
Example Sentences:
· I love mango ice cream very much.
나는 망고 아이스크림을 아주 좋아해요 – naneun mang-go aiseukeulim-eul aju joh-ahaeyo
· Do you have fresh persimmon?
신선한 바나나 있어요? – sinseonhan banana iss-eoyo?
· The pomegranate has gone a little bad
석류가 약간 상했어요 – songnyuga yakkkan sanghaessoyo
· Is this banana ripe?
이 바나나가 익었나요? – i bananaga igonnayo
Korean Vocabulary Drill: Can You Name These Fruits?(Harder Than You Think)
1. Grapefruit
2. Strawberry
3. Plum
4. Peach
5. Tangerine
6. Apple
7. Orange
8. Pear
9. Raspberry
10. Watermelon
26 Essential Nuts, Seeds And Dry Fruits In Korean Every beginner Should Know
Do you enjoy munching on some sweet, salty, spiced nut snacks, or planning to buy some nuts and dry fruits in a Korean supermarket?
Well, then these Korean vocabulary list are the perfect marriage of your interests.견과 (gyeongwa) means nuts in Korean.
Here is a complete list of common nuts, editable seeds, and dry fruits in Korean for absolute beginners with translation.
- Acron –도토리 – [dotoli]
- Pine nut – 잣 -(jat)
- Walnut –호두 – (hodu)
- Almond – 아몬드 – (amondeu)
- Cashew – 캐슈넛 – (kaesyuneot)
- ginkgo nut – 은행 – eunhaeng
- Peanut – 땅콩 – (ttangkong)
- Chestnut – 밤 – (bam)
- Date in Korean -daechu
- Prune – mallin jadu
- Raisin – 건포도 – [gonpodo]
- Hazelnut-헤이즐넛 heijeulneot
- Pecan – 페칸 – pekan
- Pistachio – 피스타치오 – [piseutachio]
- Coconut – 코코넛 – kokonot
- Brazil nut-브라질너트 beurajil-neoteu
- macadamia – 마카다미아 makadami-a
The List Of Mostly Used Seeds In Korean
The Korean word for seeds in general is 씨 [ssi ] / 씨앗 [ssi-at] . Here is a list of commonly used seeds in Korean to enhance your Korean vocabulary in minutes.
- Sun flower seed – 해바라기씨 – (haebaragissi)
- sesame seeds – 참깨 -chamkkae
- pumpkin seeds – 호박씨 hobak-ssi
- hemp seed – 삼씨 sam-ssi / 햄프씨드 haempeu ssideu
- mustard seed – 겨자씨 gyeoja-ssi
- poppy seeds – 양귀비씨 yang-gwibi-ssi
- perilla seeds – 들깨 deulkkae
- rapeseed – 유채씨 yuchae-ssi / 평지씨 pyeongji-ssi
- sacha inchi, Inca nut – 사차인치 sacha-inchi
Example Sentences:
Did you eat the rest of the almonds?
나머지 아몬드는 먹었나요? – namoji amondeuneun mogonnayo
Please give me some walnut pie.
호두 파이 좀 주세요 – hodu pai jom juseyo
I want cashews, not almonds.
아몬드가 아니라 캐슈를 원해요 – amondeuga anira kaesyureul wonhaeyo
I am allergic to peanuts
땅콩 알레르기가 있어요 – ttangkong alrereugiga issoyo
I Sprinkled the sesame seeds over the salad
샐러드 위에 참깨를 뿌렸어요 – saelrodeu wie chamkkaereul ppuryossoyo
40 Common Vegetables In Korean For Complete Beginners
Korean cuisine features lots of different vegetables.
Whether you want to order your veggie-friendly food or enjoy grocery shopping, knowing the names of vegetables in Korean will do the job more easily.
The commonly used Korean vegetables are napa cabbage, cucumber, potato, sweet potato, spinach, bean sprouts, scallions, garlic, chili peppers, Korean radish, seaweed, zucchini, mushrooms, and lotus root; their availability varies as per season.

야채 [yachae] means vegetables in Korean. There are a couple of other Korean words which can be translated to “vegetable”, i.e. 채소[chaeso ] and 남새[namsae] but 야채 seems to be more common while speaking and 채소 is while writing Korean.
Here is a list of names of vegetables in Korean for absolute beginners with a translation for you to get started.
- Cucumber in Korean – 오이 – oi
- Potato in Korean – 감자 – gamja
- Onion in Korean -양파 – yangpa
- Tomato in Korean – 토마토 – tomato
- Sweet Potato in Korean -고구마 – goguma
- Spinach in Korean – 시금치 – sigeumchi
- Bean Sprouts in Korean – 콩나물 – kongnamul
- Garlic in Korean – 생강 – saenggang
- Ginger in Korean- 마늘 – maneul
- Chili Peppers in Korean – 고추 – gochu
- Seaweed in Korean – 김 – GIM
- Zucchini –in Korean – 애호박 – aehobak
- Mushrooms in Korean – 버섯 – beoseot
- Pumpkin in Korean- 호박 – hobak
- Napa Cabbage in Korean – 양배추 – yangbaechu
· What vegetables do you like?
어떤 채소를 좋아하세요? – otton chaesoreul joahaseyo
· We have a small vegetable garden.
우리는 작은 채소밭을 있어요 – urineun jageun chaesobateul issoyo
· Tom hates eating vegetables.
톰은 야채 먹는 것을 싫어해요 – tomeun yachae mongneun goseul sirohaeyo
· She sells fresh vegetables
그녀는 신선한 야채를 판다 – geunyoneun sinsonhan yachaereul panda
· Eat a lot of vegetables.
야채를 많이 드세요- yachaereul mani deuseyo
To make things easier, I have listed and categorized the Name of vegetables in Korean by “type of vegetables.”
Salad & leafy Vegetables in Korean(샐러드 (saelleodeu))

English | Korean | Romanization |
Cabbage | 양배추 | yangbaechu |
Celery | 셀러리 | selleori |
Lettuce | 상추 | sangchu |
Spinach | 시금치 | sigeumchi |
Chinese Cabbage | 배추 | baechu |
cucumber | 오이 | oi |
Example Sentences:
· Koreans like cabbage a lot
한국인은 양배추를 많이 좋아해요- hangugineun yangbaechureul mani joahaeyo
· Eat fresh cucumbers with your meal.
식사와 함께 신선한 오이를 드세요 – sikssawa hamkke sinsonhan oireul deuseyo
· My son never eats his spinach.
제 아들은 시금치를 절대 먹지 않아요 – je adeureun sigeumchireul joldae mokjji anayo
· What’s the difference between cabbage and lettuce?
양배추와 양상추는 어떤 차이가 있나요? – yangbaechuwa yangsangchuneun otton chaiga innayo
Fruity Vegetables In Korean

english | Korean | Romanization |
avocado | 아보카도 | abokado |
tomato | 토마토 | tomato |
Cherry tomato | 방울토마토 | Bang-ul tomato |
pumpkin | 호박 | hobak |
eggplant | 가지 | gaji |
Red pepper/chilli | 고추 | gochu |
Bellpepper/peprika | 피망 | pimang |
pepper | 후추 | huchu |
balsam pear | 여주 | yeoju |
zuchini | 애호박 | aehobak |
Butternut squash | 땅콩호박 | Ddangkong hobak |
Acorn squash | 도토리호박 | Dotori hobak |
Example Sentences:
Is this a pumpkin or an acorn pumpkin?
이거 호박이야, 도토리 호박이야? – igo hobagiya dotori hobagiya
Eat up all your tomatoes!
토마토를 다 먹어 치워요! – tomatoreul da mogo chiwoyo
Can I put pepper on the salad?
샐러드에 고추를 얹어 드릴까요? – saelrodeue gochureul onjo deurilkkayo
Please give me 1 kg of eggplants.
가지 1kg 주세요. – gaji ilkilrogeuraem juseyo
You put in too much pepper.
후추를 너무 많이 넣었어요 – huchuleul neomu manh-i neoh-eoss-eoyo.
I don’t eat bell peppers at all.
저는 피망을 전혀 먹지 않아요 – joneun pimangeul jonhyo mokjji anayo
Flower & Podded Vegetables In Korean
English | Korean | Romanization |
Artichoke | 아티초크 | atichokeu |
Broccoli | 브로콜리 | beurokolli |
Cauliflower | 콜리플라워 | kolripeulrawo |
Mung bean | 녹두 | nokttu |
Bean sprout | 콩나물 | kongnamul |
Pea | 완두콩 | wandukong |
Swiss chard | 근대 | geundae |
Soya beans | 콩 | kong |
French bean | 강낭콩 | gangnangkong |
Broad bean | 잠두 | jamdu |
corn | 옥수수 | oksusu |
beans | 콩 | kong |
Green beans | 껍질콩 | kkeobjilkong |
fennel | 회향 | hoeihyang |
Sweet corn | 단 옥수수 | dan okssusu |
watercress | 물냉이 | Mulnaeng-i |
Perillia leaves | 깻잎 | kkaesip |
Example Sentences:
· The corn is very fresh
옥수수가 아주 신선 해요 – okssusuga aju sinson haeyo
· Peas are good for your health.
완두콩은 건강에 좋다. – wandukongeun gongange jota
· Have you tried mung bean pancakes?
녹두 팬케이크를 먹어 보셨어요? – nokttu paenkeikeureul mogo bosyossoyo
Root & Stem Vegetables In Korean

English | Korean | Romanization |
Potato | 감자 | gamja |
Onion | 양파 | yangpa |
Ginger | 생강 | saenggang |
Garlic | 마늘 | maneul |
Carrot | 당근 | danggeun |
Radish | 무 | mu |
Sweet potato | 고구마 | goguma |
Beet root | 비트 루트 | biteu ruteu |
Green onion | 파 | pa |
Asparagus | 아스파라거스 | aseuparagoseu |
Bamboo shoot | 죽순 | jukssun |
Jicama | 지 카마 | ji kama |
turnip | 순무 | soonmu |
Example Sentences:
I have never liked turnip
나는 순무를 좋아한 적이 없다. – naneun sunmureul joahan jogi optta
Could you pass me the carrots, please?
당근 좀 건네주시겠어요? – danggeun jom gonnejusigessoyo
Do you want ginger on it?
생강 발라 드릴까요? – saenggang balra deurilkkayo
I want chicken soup with lots of garlic.
마늘이 듬뿍 들어간 치킨 수프를 원해요. – maneuri deumppuk deurogan chikin supeureul wonhaeyo
I like sweet potato very much.
저는 고구마를 아주 좋아해요 – jeoneun gogumaleul aju joh-ahaeyo.
We’ve just run out of onion and potato.
방금 양파와 감자가 다 떨어졌어요 – banggeum yangpawa gamjaga da ttorojossoyo
Mushroom & Ocean Vegetables In Korean
English | Korean | Romanization |
Laver/seaweed | 김 | GIM |
mushroom | 버섯 | beoseot |
White mushroom | 양송이버섯 | yangsongibosot |
shiitake mushroom | 표고 버섯 | pyogo beoseos |
Oyster mushroom | 느타리버섯 | neutaribosot |
Enoki mushroom | 팽이 버섯 | paeng-i beoseos |
Pine mushroom | 송이버섯 | songibosot |
11 Names Of The Herbs In Korean You Should Know
Have a passion for cooking and plan to shop in a Korean supermarket, you are most likely to be confronted with loads of herbs and spices that are labeled in Korean.
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to read the labels and even talk about it sometimes?
By learning the names of herbs in Korean, you will easily be able to do this.
Here’s a list of the most used herbs in Korean you might need to know
English | Korean | Romanization |
Fennel seeds | 회향 씨앗 | hoeihyangssias |
parsley | 파슬리 | paseulri |
chives | 골파 | golpa |
mint | 민트 | minteu |
thyme | 백리향 | baeglihyang |
sage | 세이지 | seiji |
basil | 바질 | bajil |
oregano | 오레가노 | oregano |
Coriander leaves | 고수 잎 | gosu ip |
rosemary | 로즈마리 | rojeumari |
Example Sentences:
I like the mint smell.
민트 향이 좋아요 – minteu hyangi joayo
Are these chives here?
이거 여기 부추인가요? – igo yogi buchuingayo
Doesn’t it smell like rosemary?
로즈마리 냄새가 않나요? – rojeumari naemsaega annayo
Korean Conversation: Grocery Shopping in a Korean Supermarket.
Learn important Korean words and phrases that you can use at the grocery store or Korean supermarket.
Seller: Hello
Buyer: Hello, which fruits are good these days
Seller: Apples, grapes, and strawberries are good. Oranges are in season too.
Buyer: How much is the apple? Orange?
Seller: they are two for 3000 won. They are 1000 won each
Buyer: how much is this?
Seller: strawberry? it’s 5000 won
Buyer: it’s too expensive. Please give me a discount?
Seller: discount is not there.
Buyer: “Then give me two apples and three oranges.”
Buyer. The strawberries are very fresh. Please give me one more
Seller: Okay. Is there anything you want
Buyer: no. How much is it?
Seller: 7000 won
Buyer: I want to pay with a card
Seller: Okay. Do you need a receipt?
Buyer: no
Seller: here you go. enjoy
Buyer: bye
Seller: thank you. Please come again
Korean Fun facts:
Essential Korean Vocabulary Related To Vegetables And Fruits In Korean
You have learned the list of common fruit and vegetable names in Korean.
That’s great.
but sometimes, when it comes to making sentences, you need a lot more words than that.
Time to add some related words to your present Korean vocabulary list.
Here’s a list of the 5 most popular Vegetables and Fruit-related Vocabulary in Korean, that you should give a try.
English | Korean | Romanization |
Bitter | 쓴 | sseun |
Spicy | 매운 | maeun |
Fruit Store | 과일 가게 | gwail gage |
Seasonal Fruits | 계절과일 | Jecheol gwail |
To Be Sweet | 달다 | dalda |
Jam | 잼 | jaem |
Organic | 유기성의 | yugisongi |
Leaf | 잎 | ip |
Stalk | 줄기 | julgi |
Plastic Bag | 비닐 봉투 | binil bongtu |
Root | 뿌리 | ppuli |
Fibre | 섬유질 | somyujil |
Sour | 사워 | sawo |
To Be Fresh | 신선하다 | singsinghada |
To Be Ripe | 익다 | iktta |
To Be Tasty | 맛있다 | masittda |
To Be Juicy | 즙이 많다. | jeubi manta |
To Go Bad/Spoil | 상하다 | sanghada |
Crisp | 바삭바삭한 | basakppasakan |
Rotten | 썩은 | sseog-eun |
Large | 큰 | keun |
Pulp | 펄프 | peolpeu |
Juice | 주스 | juseu |
Smoothie | 스무디 | seumudi |
Core | 핵심 | haekssim |
Seedless | 씨없는 | ssieobsneun |
Ripe | 익은 | ig-eun |
Soft | 부드러운 | budeuroun |
Salted | 소금에 절인 | sogeume jorin |
Roasted | 구운 | guun |
Seasonal | 계절 | gyejeol |
Tropical Fruit | 열대과일 | yoldaegwail |
Basket Of Fruit | 과일 바구니 | Gwail baguni |
Dried Fruit | 건과일 | geon-gwa-il |
Fresh Fruit | 생과일 | saeng-gwa-il |
Fruit Cocktail | 후르츠칵테일 | hureucheukakteil |
Fruit Salad | 프루트 샐러드 | peuruteu saelrodeu |
That’s great. You have got your vegetables & fruits words ready
So what’s next?
It’s time to cook
So, We have put together dozens of cooking verbs that you likely come across while watching your favorite cooking show on YouTube.
26 Commonly Used Cooking Verbs In Korean For Absolute Beginners
Whether you are a student learning Korean, working, or just a person who likes to spend time cooking and eating, this Korean vocabulary list of cooking verbs will satisfy your hunger.
Here is a list of common Korean verbs related to cooking for beginners that Koreans use in everyday life.
- To cook – 요리하다
- To make – 짓다
- To peel – (껍질)벗기다
- To cut – 자르다
- To crush – 놀러 부수다
- To slice/ chop – 썰다
- To grate – 갈다
- To boil – 끓이다
- To stir fry – 볶다 – boktta
- To season – 양념을 하다
- To bake – 굽다
- To stir – 섞다
- To grill – 석쇠에 굽다
- To mix – 섞다
- To knead – 반죽하다
- To pour – 붓다, 따르다
- To steam – 찌다
- To serve – 제공하다
- To whip – 거품을 내다
Example Sentences:
Let’s peel some apple
사과 껍질을 벗깁시다 – sagwa kkopjjireul botkkipssida
The water is boiling
물이 끓고 있다 – muri kkeulko ittta
Peter is frying eggs
피터가 계란을 튀기고 있습니다 – pitoga gyeraneul twigigo itsseumnida
The cookies are baked in an oven.
쿠키가 오븐에서 굽고 있다 – kukiga obeuneso gupkko ittta
Emma pours a glass of milk.
엠마는 우유 한 잔을 따르다 – emmaneun uyu han janeul ttareuda
11 Must-Try Korean Fruits For Different Seasons
Korea has four distinct seasons. South Koreans love their fresh seasonal fruits even if they are expensive.
After all, fruits have the best fresh, juicy flavor when in season, right?
So, here’s a guide on what fruits you are likely to find, depending on which season you visit Korea.
Popular Korean Fruits You Should Try In Summer (June-August)
From cherries, cherry tomatoes, and clementines to juicer fruits like watermelons, grapes are some of the many seasonal fruits that are really popular in South Korea when summer is approaching.
In fact, it is very common for locals to serve their loved ones and guests fruits like fresh cherries as a mid-day snack.
Popular Korean summer fruits like yellow musk melons and peaches are a must. Peaches are so soft, juicy, and expensive. Korean yellow melons are smaller, and wedged in shape, unlike other melons, and there is even a festival devoted to them.
Overall, if you are planning to visit South Korea in the summer, here is a list of popular summer fruits you can enjoy.
- Oriental Melon
- Peach
- Grapes
- Watermelon
- Japanese Apricot/Plum
The Common Seasonal Fruits You Can Find In Autumn(September-November)
In the autumn months of September to November, Asian apple pears are quite popular in Korean cuisine. Koreans love to gift boxes of pears to family & friends.
Apple and persimmon are also seasonal Korean fruits in the fall. Dried persimmons can be eaten all year round, but they get especially popular in winter.
If you plan on visiting Korea in the autumn season, you will experience the joy of munching these fruits listed below.
- Asian Pear
- Apple
- Persimmon
The Seasonal Fruits Korean Eats In Winter(December- February)
In South Korea, strawberries and tangerines are the popular seasonal Korean fruits in winter.
The best time to eat tangerines is from November to February every year, especially the Jeju citrus called hallabong(a crossbreed of an orange and a tangerine). They are inexpensive, tasty, and packed with vitamins to help you get through the winter.
Fresh whole Korean strawberries are the craze from mid-December to May and are almost always found in loads of desserts during the winter season.
In other words, this list of Korean fruits is what you are likely to find if you plan to visit Korea in the winter.
- Tangerine
- Jeju Orange/hallabong
- Strawberry

The Seasonal Korean Fruits You Can Eat In Spring(March-May)
In Korea, spring(from March to May) is the time for Korean fruits like mangoes and kumquats.
If you are visiting Korea this time, Hit a local fruit store or market, get some fresh mangoes and kumquats, and munch on them.
- Mangoes
- Kumquats
How To Memorize Korean Vegetables & Fruit Names And Never Forget Again?
· watch Korean cooking videos
· playing online food games
· Flashcard & quiz with us
· Anki Flashcard link
great job. you have done it.
Now you can easily read the labels on the vegetables and fruits in Korean. you’ll easily understand what kind of shop is selling them or even instantly translate the Korean vegetables they are talking about on TV.
It takes some practice to understand a Korean menu and order from it. But with the terms I just ran you through, it should be a breeze.
Learning vocabulary, including the names of fruits and vegetables in Korean, is like growing a garden.
With a little hard work and patience, you’ll soon have an abundance (a lot) of vocabulary that you can use to communicate in your newly learned language!
what are your favorite fruits & veggies in Korean? We challenged you to write it in Korean in the comment below.